Daily Archives: Januar 23, 2018

Serbian Villas

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A series of picture of Roma homes in a small village in central Serbia.

– AP PHOTOS: Village of sprawling mansions empty most of year. In: WTOP. 22.01.2018. https://wtop.com/media-galleries/2018/01/ap-photos-village-of-sprawling-mansions-empty-most-of-year/slide/1/ [link-preview url=”https://wtop.com/media-galleries/2018/01/ap-photos-village-of-sprawling-mansions-empty-most-of-year/slide/1/”]

Romania: Theatre Against Prejudice

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“Gadjo Dildo” – a name chosen as a play on the title of Toni Gatlif’s movie “Gadjo Dilo” is a theatre performance based on stories of sexism and racism that Romnja encounter on a daily basis in Romania.
The play can be seen in Cluj and features Elena Duminica, a Romani actress.

– Romanian Roma use theater to address bigotry. In: The Christian Science Monitor. 22.01.2018. https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2018/0122/Romanian-Roma-use-theater-to-address-bigotry
– Romania’s Roma culture seeks stage to depict discrimination. In: Reuters. 22.01.2018. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-romania-theatre/romanias-roma-culture-seeks-stage-to-depict-discrimination-idUKKBN1FB146?utm_source=34553&utm_medium=partner [link-preview url=”https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2018/0122/Romanian-Roma-use-theater-to-address-bigotry “]
