Daily Archives: Januar 29, 2018

Slovakia: Boarding Schools?

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Some people in Slovakia suggest boarding schools as a solution to Roma education and crime (yes). A school head of a school attended by nearly 700 Roma is against this.
Good for him!

– Problémy Rómov môžu riešiť internátne školy, riaditeľka je proti. In: TA3. 22.01.2018. https://www.ta3.com/clanok/1120532/problemy-romov-mozu-riesit-internatne-skoly-riaditelka-je-proti.html [link-preview url=”https://www.ta3.com/clanok/1120532/problemy-romov-mozu-riesit-internatne-skoly-riaditelka-je-proti.html”]


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A reportage on Jasenovac, the notorious Ustaša concentration camp in Croatia. Let’s not forget that during the war nearly ALL Croatian Roma were killed. The only original Croatian Roma are currently to be found in Italy where some of them fled in 1944.

– JASENOVAC DEATH CAMP AND CROATIA’S HIDDEN HOLOCAUST. In: In Serbia. 28.01.2018. https://inserbia.info/today/2018/01/jasenovac-death-camp-and-croatias-hidden-holocaust/ [link-preview url=”https://inserbia.info/today/2018/01/jasenovac-death-camp-and-croatias-hidden-holocaust/”]

Switzerland – Not Enough!

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Travellers in Switzerland (Jenische, Sinti, Roma) do not have enough camping sites in Switzerland. The association of the communes is asking for all to work together and for this issue not to be solely left to the communes themselves.

– Plätze für Fahrende: Gemeindeverband fordert Zusammenarbeit. In: Volksblatt. 26.01.2018. https://www.volksblatt.li/Nachricht.aspx?src=sda&id=275386
– Immer weniger Standplätze für Jenische, Sinti und Roma. In: Volksblatt. 26.01.2018. https://www.volksblatt.li/Nachricht.aspx?src=sda&id=275393
– Solution consensuelle pour les gens du voyage. In: 24 Heures. 26.01.2018. https://www.24heures.ch/suisse/solution-consensuelle-gens-voyage/story/26396968
– AIRS DE SÉJOUR EN BAISSE POUR LES GENS DU VOYAGE. In: Le Matin. 26.01.2018. https://www.lematin.ch/news/Airs-de-sejour-en-baisse-pour-les-gens-du-voyage/story/25263295
– Aires de séjour et de transit pour les gens du voyage: une meilleure collaboration entre les cantons, les communes et les personnes directement concernées est obligatoire. In: Presseportal. 26.01.2018. https://www.presseportal.ch/fr/pm/100059928/100811676 [link-preview url=”https://www.volksblatt.li/Nachricht.aspx?src=sda&id=275386 “]
