Daily Archives: Februar 1, 2018

Slovakia: An Alliance

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The Church and the Prešov Region are joining forces to help Roma. In an informal meeting chaired by theArchbishop of Prešov, metropolitan Ján Babjak and by Prešov’s region president Milan Majerský, the latter said: “Many foreigners are coming to work in Slovakia and we do not want to give the opportunity to the Roma. But when they have a job, they will create communities that will be enriching for this country.”
Let’s hope this is heard.

– Cirkev a Prešovský kraj spájajú sily na pomoc Rómom. In: SME. 30.01.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20749455/savore-romovia-jan-babjak-milan-majersky-romska-problematika.html [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/20749455/savore-romovia-jan-babjak-milan-majersky-romska-problematika.html”]

Poland: Adam Bartosz

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An interview of Adam Bartosz, Activist, on why the Roma Holocaust is so little known in Poland. This was recorded in Lithuania on a commemoration of the Holocaust and the inauguration of a novel depicting the Holocaust through the eyes of a young Rom.
What Adam Bartosz forgets to say is that speaking of bad things can bring the Evil back, and hence, many Polska Roma simply never spoke about it, not even to their families.

– Bartosz: Postrzegamy Romów przez pryzmat dwóch stereotypów. In: ZW. 31.01.2018. http://zw.lt/kultura-historia/bartosz-postrzegamy-romow-pryzmat-dwoch-stereotypow/
– Historia zagłady Romów oczami dziecka – nie tylko dla dzieci. In: ZW. 29.01.2018. http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/historia-zaglady-romow-oczami-dziecka-nie-tylko-dla-dzieci/ [link-preview url=”http://zw.lt/kultura-historia/bartosz-postrzegamy-romow-pryzmat-dwoch-stereotypow/ “]

Ukraine: The Aftermath

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An article on the fate of the Roma who were expelled from their houses in a pogrom in the Odessa region following the murder of a young girl in August 2016. These Roma never returned home, as they would not be accepted back in their village.
The Police actually evicted all Roma from the village. These went to court and with great difficulties, managed to have a criminal case opened, also against the police. The case is proceeding. Let’s see what happens.

– Для изгнанных из Лощиновки ромов требуют компенсацию 700 тысяч гривен. In: KP. 30.01.2018. https://kp.ua/incidents/599589-dlia-yzghnannykh-yz-loschynovky-romov-trebuuit-kompensatsyui-700-tysiach-hryven [link-preview url=”https://kp.ua/incidents/599589-dlia-yzghnannykh-yz-loschynovky-romov-trebuuit-kompensatsyui-700-tysiach-hryven”]
