Daily Archives: Februar 12, 2018

Remember …

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Remembrance celebration of Rukeli Trollmann, a Sinto boxer who was killed in Neuengamme in 1944.
May he rest in peace.

– Gedenken anlässlich des 74. Todestages von Rukeli Trollmann. In: Naturfreunde. https://www.naturfreunde.de/termin/gedenken-anlaesslich-des-74-todestages-von-rukeli-trollmann [link-preview url=”https://www.naturfreunde.de/termin/gedenken-anlaesslich-des-74-todestages-von-rukeli-trollmann”]

Rome, Roma, and Mafia

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Several Roma families are connected to the Casamonica Mafia clan which controls a large part of Rome’s criminal activities. The Carabinieri, have carried out the seizure of 430 assets worth over 4 million euros (including a three-storey building, a prestigious villa and various land on the outskirts of Rome) belonging to the Roma family Di Silvio.
Not good for all of us.

– Chi comanda a Roma: la mappa della criminalità nella Capitale. In: Roma Today. 08.02.2018. http://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/mappa-malavita-roma-nomi-clan.html [link-preview url=”http://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/mappa-malavita-roma-nomi-clan.html”]

Slovakia: Kalinak Lost

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The Slovak Interior minister Kalinak lost his gamble. The could not pass his controversial law to collect data on “Roma criminality”.
Nevertheless, his focus on criminality actually has led to extremely negative proposals in Slovakia.

– Kaliňák neuspel, polícia nebude robiť rómske štatistiky. In: Aktuality. 05.02.2018. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/561232/kalinak-neuspel-policia-nakoniec-nebude-robit-romske-statistiky/ [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/561232/kalinak-neuspel-policia-nakoniec-nebude-robit-romske-statistiky/”]

Slovakia: Anti-Roma Rhetoric

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According to Zuza Kumanová, an anthropologist, recent weeks in Slovakia have seen an
increase in anti-Romani rhetoric. Opposition and coalition politicians have been overtaken by proposals for coercive measures in relation to this national minority.
This article makes the point that this doesn’t help and that the measures proposed do not do anything for the integration.

– Falošná hra protirómskou kartou. In: Pravda. 07.02.2018. https://nazory.pravda.sk/analyzy-a-postrehy/clanok/457610-falosna-hra-protiromskou-kartou/ [link-preview url=”https://nazory.pravda.sk/analyzy-a-postrehy/clanok/457610-falosna-hra-protiromskou-kartou/”]
