Daily Archives: Februar 24, 2018

A Story

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A new book about a Sintica, written by her son. She was deported from Hamburg to Poland and survived 6 years of camps.

– Wiesbadener Buchautor erzählt die Geschichte einer Sintifamilie. In: Merkurist. 20.02.2018. https://merkurist.de/wiesbaden/familiengeschichte-wiesbadener-buchautor-erzaehlt-die-geschichte-einer-sintifamilie_iIl [link-preview url=”https://merkurist.de/wiesbaden/familiengeschichte-wiesbadener-buchautor-erzaehlt-die-geschichte-einer-sintifamilie_iIl”]

Travellers Rights

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A portrait of a young Scottish traveller activist. We need more of this.

– “We are finally finding our voice to speak up and stand up for ourselves and our rights!” In: Youth Traveller Times. 19.02.2018. https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/ytt/news/2018/02/we-are-finally-finding-our-voice-speak-and-stand-ourselves-and-our-rights [link-preview url=”https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/ytt/news/2018/02/we-are-finally-finding-our-voice-speak-and-stand-ourselves-and-our-rights”]

Swiss Extreme Right

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The Association of Sinti and Roma Switzerland, together with the Association for the protection of threatened people lodged a legal complaint for racism against the youth wing of the Bern SVP following their publication of a poster which is essentially racist.
Even some of the SVP members seem to agree. Let’s see what the justice will do, as in Switzerland, it is not certain that this will be condemned.

– Junge SVP Bern wegen Plakat angezeigt. In: Der Bund. 23.02.2018. https://www.derbund.ch/schweiz/standard/junge-svp-bern-wird-wegen-plakat-angezeigt/story/22360279
– Die Junge SVP wird wegen Plakat angezeigt. In: 20 Minuten (CH). 23.02.2018. http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/news/story/Junge-SVP-wird-wegen-Plakat-angezeigt-21196778
– Sinti und Roma zeigen Junge SVP an. In: SRF. 23.02.2018. https://www.srf.ch/news/regional/bern-freiburg-wallis/wahlkampf-im-kanton-bern-sinti-und-roma-zeigen-junge-svp-an [link-preview url=”https://www.derbund.ch/schweiz/standard/junge-svp-bern-wird-wegen-plakat-angezeigt/story/22360279 “]

Swiss Extreme Right Switzerland

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The Bern youth wing of the Swiss rightist party SVP went overboard in the canton Bern. They published a cartoon on the Internet against “Zigeuner” which states:
“Millions for building and maintenance, dirt, faeces, theft, etc. against the will of the population.”
We say NO to the camping sites for foreign Gypsies”
REALLY? This is racist. [link-preview url=””]
