Daily Archives: Februar 25, 2018

French Chronicle …

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Not many news this week in France about Roma. First, an article that shows integration works. Roma who were part of a program around Paris found a job. The French defender of Human Rights, Jacque Toubon, lauded the successes of an insertion village near Paris. Other than that, in Triel sur Seine, residents are fighting for the closure of a Roma camp; a fire in a Roma camp is reported in the North of France; and Roma, while more likely to get measles are also more likely to vaccinate against it, given the opportunity.
Finally, two cases of criminality: Romanian thieves attacking women and card thefts in Western France.

– Des Roms quittent le bidonville pour se former. In: La Croix. 19.02.2018. https://www.la-croix.com/Economie/France/Roms-quittent-bidonville-former-2018-02-19-1200914823
– Toubon salue les résultats ” remarquables ” du village humanitaire d’Ivry. In: Le Parisien. 21.02.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/val-de-marne-94/ivry-toubon-salue-les-resultats-remarquables-du-village-humanitaire-21-02-2018-7571622.php
– Camp de Roms à Triel-sur-Seine : des habitants expriment leur ras-le-bol au conseil. In 78 Actu. 23.02.2018. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/triel-sur-seine_78624/camp-roms-triel-sur-seine-habitants-expriment-leur-ras-bol-conseil_15586775.html
– Camp de Roms : constat partagé, visions opposes. In: La Gazette. 21.02.2018. http://lagazette-yvelines.fr/2018/02/21/camp-de-roms-constat-partage-visions-opposees/
– Une caravane prend feu dans un camp de Roms, pas de victim. In: La Voix du Nord. 20.02.2018. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/321051/article/2018-02-20/une-caravane-prend-feu-dans-un-camp-de-roms-pas-de-victime
– Rougeole : ce que la ministre ne dit pas. In: NPA. 20.02.2018. https://npa2009.org/actualite/sante/rougeole-ce-que-la-ministre-ne-dit-pas
– Maine-et-Loire. Les cambrioleurs roumains s’attaquaient aux fermes. In: Ouest France. 23.02.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/angers-49000/mauges-les-cambrioleurs-roumains-s-attaquaient-aux-fermes-5584470
– Rennes. Six ans de prison requis contre le chef des voleurs de cartes bancaires. In: Ouest France. 20.02.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/rennes-35000/rennes-six-ans-de-prison-requis-contre-le-chef-des-voleurs-de-cartes-bancaires-5577768 [link-preview url=”https://www.la-croix.com/Economie/France/Roms-quittent-bidonville-former-2018-02-19-1200914823 “]

It is Better Not to Say It

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Integrated Roma seldom say that they are from that minority. The better the integration, the less likely they will openly state their origins and culture, for fear of being confronted with stereotypes.

– “Alles ist besser, als ‘Zigeuner’ zu sein”. In: Der Spiegel. 24.02.2018. http://www.spiegel.de/karriere/sinti-und-roma-alles-ist-besser-als-ein-zigeuner-zu-sein-a-1193918.html [link-preview url=”http://www.spiegel.de/karriere/sinti-und-roma-alles-ist-besser-als-ein-zigeuner-zu-sein-a-1193918.html”]

Hungarian Statistics …

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The Hungarians have caught up with their numbers … The latest statistics about the Roma minority in the country counts 9% of Roma or about 876’000 Roma in the country. This is the number that NGOs and activists have always advanced
This is a major increase to previous numbers which were systematically under-estimated.

– The growth of Hungary’s Roma minority – A fascinating new study. In: The Hungarian Free Press. 23.02.2018. http://hungarianfreepress.com/2018/02/23/the-growth-of-hungarys-roma-minority-a-fascinating-new-study/ [link-preview url=”http://hungarianfreepress.com/2018/02/23/the-growth-of-hungarys-roma-minority-a-fascinating-new-study/”]

More on the Swiss SVP

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Another article, this time in French on the poster of the rightist SVP in Switzerland and the complaint against them from the Association of Sinti and Roma Switzerland.

– Des Roms choqués par une caricature des Jeunes UDC. In: 24 Heures. 23.02.2018. https://www.24heures.ch/suisse/roms-choques-caricature-jeunes-udc/story/17982232 [link-preview url=”https://www.24heures.ch/suisse/roms-choques-caricature-jeunes-udc/story/17982232″]
