Daily Archives: März 5, 2018

Slavery in Romania

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An article on the slavery of Roma in Romania (actually in Wallachia and Moldova). Romanians are at long last starting to deal with the slavery and undergoing what happened in the USA in the 1960’s.
Unfortunate that the article contains a few mistakes (Gypsy is not derived from Athinganoi …)

– Romania turns its back on dark past of Roma slavery. In: Euractiv. 03.03.2018. https://www.euractiv.com/section/social-europe-jobs/news/romania-turns-its-back-on-dark-past-of-roma-slavery/ [link-preview url=”https://www.euractiv.com/section/social-europe-jobs/news/romania-turns-its-back-on-dark-past-of-roma-slavery/”]

Moldova, Holocaust, and Organisations

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Increasingly, Roma Moldovan Holocaust survivors and their families are turning to Jewish organisations to help them obtain compensation. Up till now, most Roma survivors in Eastern Europe have not received anything for the Holocaust, even more so in Moldova.

– Pourquoi les survivants tsiganes de la Shoah se tournent vers les Juifs. In: The Time of Israël. 03.03.2018. https://fr.timesofisrael.com/pourquoi-les-survivants-tsiganes-de-la-shoah-se-tournent-vers-les-juifs/ [link-preview url=”https://fr.timesofisrael.com/pourquoi-les-survivants-tsiganes-de-la-shoah-se-tournent-vers-les-juifs/”]

Bergen Belsen: Remembrance

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Roughly 120 people gather in Bergen Belsen to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the deportation of the Roma and Sinti to Auschwitz.

– 120 Gäste gedenken in Bergen-Belsen der Deportation der Sinti und Roma. 04.03.2018. http://www.cellesche-zeitung.de/S5372439/120-Gaeste-gedenken-in-Bergen-Belsen-der-Deportation-der-Sinti-und-Roma [link-preview url=”http://www.cellesche-zeitung.de/S5372439/120-Gaeste-gedenken-in-Bergen-Belsen-der-Deportation-der-Sinti-und-Roma”]
