Daily Archives: März 8, 2018

75 Years Ago

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The Roma camp of Berlin Marzahn, one of the first camp established by the Nazis for Roma in 1936 was closed 75 years ago and most of its inmates were sent to their death to Auschwitz.
March 1943 saw many Roma and Sinti deported to death camps all over Germany.
May they rest in peace.

– Vor 75 Jahren begann die Deportation der Sinti und Roma aus Marzahn. In: Berliner Woche. http://www.berliner-woche.de/marzahn/bildung/vor-75-jahren-begann-die-deportation-der-sinti-und-roma-aus-marzahn-d144021.html
– “… durch die Polizei abgeholt”. In: TAZ. 06.03.2018. http://www.taz.de/!5486300/ [link-preview url=”http://www.berliner-woche.de/marzahn/bildung/vor-75-jahren-begann-die-deportation-der-sinti-und-roma-aus-marzahn-d144021.html “]

Child Wedding

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A story of a child wedding (bride 14, groom 11) in a shopping centre in Novosibirsk, Siberia. Not good.

– Милиция проверит сообщение о свадьбе малолетних цыган в Новосибирске. In: Belrynok. 01.03.2018. http://belrynok.ru/2018/03/miliciya-proverit-soobschenie-o-svadbe-maloletnih-cigan-v/ [link-preview url=”http://belrynok.ru/2018/03/miliciya-proverit-soobschenie-o-svadbe-maloletnih-cigan-v/”]

Slovakia, Roma, and Jobs

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Employment of Roma was the topic of a meeting of representatives of companies from Eastern Slovakia and non-profit organizations in Košice (Eastern Slovakia). The event, prepared by the Pontis Foundation, called the Roma a chance for the labour market in the regions.

“We are confronted with a growing demand for employing Roma from excluded communities, due to the lack of low-skilled labour in the market” said Pontis Foundation program manager Beáta Fekiačová. The aim of the meeting was to present a set of steps for companies that have chosen to employ marginalized Roma or want to resolve the obstacles they have.

– Firmy a neziskové organizácie sa zaoberali otázkou zamestnávania Rómov. In: Korzar. 06.03.2018. https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20774990/firmy-a-neziskove-organizacie-sa-zaoberali-otazkou-zamestnavania-romov.html [link-preview url=”https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20774990/firmy-a-neziskove-organizacie-sa-zaoberali-otazkou-zamestnavania-romov.html”]
