Daily Archives: März 10, 2018

Prague: New Roma Library

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Roma scholar Ethel Brooks, professor at the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies and Department of Sociology at Rutgers University in New Jersey, published last year “Europe is ours”. It sets out clearly against the cultural apartheid and accepted exploitation society the Roma face across Europe, referring to the movement of Roma-futurism, which it regards as a way to freedom. In February, the Roma-futurismo Library (Dittrichova 13/349, Prague 2) opened in Prague, making accessible the works of Roma authors and titles related to the issues of emancipation of discriminated ethnicities and cultures. The library also serves as a meeting place for cultural and political topics.

– Manifest romské akademičky Ethel Brooks: Evropa je naše. In: Romea. 09.03.2018. http://www.romea.cz/cz/zpravodajstvi/zahranicni/manifest-romske-akademicky-ethel-brooks-evropa-je-nase

Greece – Racism and Reaction

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State Minister Christoforos Vernardakis slammed three incidents in Greece this week. First the dismantling of a Neo-Nazi cell, then a verbal attack against a Syriza MP by a Golden Dawn (extreme right) deputy, and finally the one which concerns Roma:

New Democracy’s deputy Athanassios Davakis stated that he forbade any Roma or gypsy to vote for him …

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– Greek Minister Slams ‘Rhetoric of Hatred’. In: Greek Reporter. 09.03.2018. http://greece.greekreporter.com/2018/03/09/greek-minister-slams-rhetoric-of-hatred/

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More articles on the commemorations of the mass deportation of Roma and Sinti from Germany to Auschwitz 75 years ago.

– Endstation Auschwitz: Als Sinti und Roma von Bremen in den Tod geschickt wurden. In: Buten un Binnen. 08.03.2018. https://www.butenunbinnen.de/nachrichten/gesellschaft/sinti-roma-auschwitz100.html
– Gedenkveranstaltung erinnert an Völkermord an Sinti und Roma. In: Focus. 04.03.2018. https://www.focus.de/regional/niedersachsen/gedenkstaetten-gedenkveranstaltung-erinnert-an-voelkermord-an-sinti-und-roma_id_8556823.html
– Deportiert, ermordet und vergessen. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 06.03.2018. http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/alle-gemeinden/wiesbaden/mahnmal-in-wiesbaden-deportiert-ermordet-und-vergessen-a-1460812
– Gedenkfeier für deportierte Sinti und Roma am Wiesbadener Mahnmal. In; Wiesbadener Kurier. 09.03.2018. http://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/wiesbaden/nachrichten-wiesbaden/gedenkfeier-fuer-deportierte-sinti-und-roma-am-wiesbadener-mahnmal_18577365.htm
– Gedenken an die März-Deportationen von Sinti und Roma. In: Stuttgart. 09.03.2018. https://www.stuttgart.de/item/show/273273/1/9/647814?
