Daily Archives: März 22, 2018

Slovakia and Roma

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The opposition parties to the current Slovak Government called the Government to action to combat segregation of the Roma, noting that the country cannot afford to loose another generation of Slovak Roma children.
Good – but let’s see…

– Opozícia žiada vládu bojovať proti segregácii Rómov. In: SME Domov. 21.03.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20786088/opozicia-ziada-vladu-bojovat-proti-segregacii-romov.html [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/20786088/opozicia-ziada-vladu-bojovat-proti-segregacii-romov.html”]

Puławy – Poland

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Following the beating by 4 Roma of the owner of a Pizzeria (Desperado), an editorial in the local Newspaper went into a total rant against all Roma.
To cite: “Until now, the Roma were tolerated in Puławy, although they do absolutely nothing to deserve it. They are shameful and demanding. Everyone lives on pensions, and it is not not known on what basis these are granted by the doctors …”

– PUŁAWY MÓWIĄ DOŚĆ! NIE BĘDZIE PRZYZWOLENIE NA WYBRYKI ROMÓW. In: Tugodnik Powisla. 16.03.2018. http://tygpowisla.pulawy.pl/pulawy-mowia-dosc-bedzie-przyzwolenie-wybryki-romow/ [link-preview url=”http://tygpowisla.pulawy.pl/pulawy-mowia-dosc-bedzie-przyzwolenie-wybryki-romow/”]

Austria and Prejudice

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An Essay on the rampant racism against Roma which still exists in Austria nowadays. This article dismantles several of them, such as the one of the begging mafia.
A must read.

– Roma werden in Österreich immer noch diskriminiert – und es ist jedem scheißegal. In: Vice. 21.03.2018. https://www.vice.com/de_at/article/j5byxg/roma-werden-in-osterreich-immer-noch-diskriminiert-und-es-ist-jedem-scheissegal [link-preview url=”https://www.vice.com/de_at/article/j5byxg/roma-werden-in-osterreich-immer-noch-diskriminiert-und-es-ist-jedem-scheissegal”]
