Daily Archives: März 28, 2018

Germany and Racism

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Antiziganism is still unknown to many people in Germany, in contrast to anti-Semitism. Ruhan Karakul, the counsellor of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg, wants to counteract this. The lawyer of Turkish roots was a guest at the “Haus der Begegnung” on Friday afternoon, where she was welcomed as speaker by Ahment Sezer during the International Week Against Racism.

– Rassismus ist allgegenwärtig. In: Westphalische Nachrichten. 26.03.2018. http://www.wn.de/Muensterland/Kreis-Borken/Gronau/3232749-Justiziarin-des-Zentralrats-der-Sinti-und-Roma-zu-Gast-in-Gronau-Rassismus-ist-allgegenwaertig
