Monthly Archives: März 2018

Bardejov, Slovakia

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More on the election of Eva Kučova to the district court of Bardejov. She had compared Roma to rats and is not backing off on her statements…

– Smerácka sudkyňa z ľudu: Rómovia ako potkany. In: Korzar. 21.03.2018.
– Smerácka sudkyňa prirovnala Rómov k potkanom. In: Kormidlo. 23.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

French Statistics

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The French “index of tolerance” by which the state measures the tolerance towards foreigners and minorities, is fairly stable.
BUT … Roma are at the bottom of the pile. They are the least tolerated minority in France.

– Les Roms sont les personnes les moins tolérées en France, selon un rapport. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 22.03.2018.
– Préjugés racistes : l’indice de tolérance se stabilise en France. In: DNA. 22.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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A mixed bag of news this week in France. First, a positive story of two young Roma in a youth communal council near Nantes, in Western France, showing that integration is possible. On the flip side, yet another fire in a Roma camp near that same city. In Lille, in the north, a medical bus is doing the rounds in Roma camps. In Paris, a prefect who seem to ignore the law entirely when he wants to expulse Roma. A festival, “Latcho Divano” aimed at furthering the dialogue between Roma and Gadže opened its doors in Marseilles. And in that same city, a weird story of an abduction of a 3 years old Roma child by his step mother.

– Alberto et Roberto, deux Roms au conseil communal. In: Ouest France. 22.03.2018.
– Près de Nantes. Feu dans un camp de Roms : pas de victims. In: Ouest France. 22.03.2018.
– À Lille, un bus médical se déplace dans les camps de Roms. In: France Bleu. 21.03.2018.
– Un préfet hors la loi. In: Mediapart. 20.03.2018.
– Marseille : Latcho Divano, ” le bel échange ” entretenu. In: La Marseillaise. 20.03.2018.
– Enlèvement dans une école à Marseille : comment cela a-t-il pu se passer ? In: Magic Maman. 22.03.2018.,3578265.asp
– Marseille : un enfant de 3 ans kidnappé dans son école. In: Corse Matin. 20.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Germany and Roma

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Another article about the perception of Sinti and Roma among Germans and the fact that the former still feel unwelcome. An exhibition and conferences thematise this situation.

– Ablehnung spüren sie bis heute. In: Die Norddeutsche. 20.03.2018.,-ablehnung-spueren-sie-bis-heute-_arid,1712229.html [link-preview url=”,-ablehnung-spueren-sie-bis-heute-_arid,1712229.html”]

The Judge, Roma, and Rats

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The controversy of the election of a judge in Bardejov who compared Roma to rats still continues to make the headlines.
Actually, the judge (Eva Kucova) should have been fired immediately.

– Smeráčka a sudkyňa to poriadne prehnala: Rasistické narážky na Rómov – potkany. In: Topky. 24.03.2018.–Rasisticke-narazky-na-Romov—potkany [link-preview url=”–Rasisticke-narazky-na-Romov—potkany”]

Slovakia: Protests

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Protests continue in Slovakia against the current government, following the recent murder of a journalist and his girlfriend. The journalist was investigating the involvement of the mafia in skimming EU subsidies as well as its closeness to the government.
During these protest, the question of the EU money for Roma was raised – where did this money go? Certainly not to the Roma themselves!

– Banskobystričania na Námestí slobody odmietli bábkovú vládu. In: My Bistrica. 23.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

EU: New Program

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The EU just launched a new program aimed at integrating Roma at the local level. The program, called Romacted “Promoting Good Governance and Roma Empowerment at Local Level”, was presented on 19 March 2018 in Skopje.

– Launching of the ROMACTED Programme to support Roma integration at local level. In: Council of Europe. 19.03.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany: Protests

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There were protests at the airport in Baden, Germany after the deportation of 34 Roma on March 15th to Kosovo. The protests last Wednesday were aimed at further deportations this time to Serbia and Macedonia.

– Humanitäres Bleiberecht für Sinti und Roma erneut einfordern. In: Radio Dreieckland. 22.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Bosnia: Memorandum

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Ten municipalities in Bosnia have signed a memorandum of understanding confirming that they want to involve Roma in the work of local authorities.
Nice, but let’s see what this does. Right now, the situation of Roma in that country is still very bad.

– Local communities must listen to the Roma voices. In: IBNA. 22.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Art

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An exhibition of Roma Art Masterpieces was held in the European Parliament. The exhibition was curated by the European Institute for Art and Culture (ERIAC).

– ‘Hidden Roma Masterpieces’ an exhibition of masterpieces of Roma contemporary art. In: Council of Europe. 20.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Roma

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The opposition parties to the current Slovak Government called the Government to action to combat segregation of the Roma, noting that the country cannot afford to loose another generation of Slovak Roma children.
Good – but let’s see…

– Opozícia žiada vládu bojovať proti segregácii Rómov. In: SME Domov. 21.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Puławy – Poland

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Following the beating by 4 Roma of the owner of a Pizzeria (Desperado), an editorial in the local Newspaper went into a total rant against all Roma.
To cite: “Until now, the Roma were tolerated in Puławy, although they do absolutely nothing to deserve it. They are shameful and demanding. Everyone lives on pensions, and it is not not known on what basis these are granted by the doctors …”

– PUŁAWY MÓWIĄ DOŚĆ! NIE BĘDZIE PRZYZWOLENIE NA WYBRYKI ROMÓW. In: Tugodnik Powisla. 16.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Austria and Prejudice

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An Essay on the rampant racism against Roma which still exists in Austria nowadays. This article dismantles several of them, such as the one of the begging mafia.
A must read.

– Roma werden in Österreich immer noch diskriminiert – und es ist jedem scheißegal. In: Vice. 21.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine – Stereotypes and Reality

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An essay on negative stereotypes against Roma in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. Unfortunately, these stereotypes have been recently reinforced by the presence of a group of criminal Roma in the centre of the city and the inability of the police to deal with the issue.
As a result, all Roma are considered in a negative light, regardless of what they do.
This is bad, but alas, not new.

– ЯК МОЖНА ПОДОЛАТИ СТЕРЕОТИПИ ПРО РОМІВ У ЛЬВОВІ. In: TVOE MISTO. 19.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

New Lawyer

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Denisa Gannon is the first officially recognised Romni lawyer in England and Wales. She wants to ensure that Roma have access to the law.
We wish her luck!

– Denisa Gannon: ‘Roma people are not getting justice’. In: The Guardian. 20.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

New Party

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Roma in Sweden have founded a new political party called the Swedish Romani Modern Party (SRMP). They aim at participating to municipal elections and introduce Roma in the organs of municipalities.

– New Roma Party Claims to Be ‘Suspicious’ of Swedish Politicians. In: Sputnik. 20.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Demonstration in Prague

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The video of the Roma manifestation against racism and against Okamura, the MP and president of the rightist party who effectively denies the Roma Holocaust.

– [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Education

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Nils Muižneks, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights has stated that segregated education leads to poor outcomes and prevents Roma children as well as disabled children from joining society. It is to be noted that Slovakia often segregates Roma children into schools for children with disabilities.
The Commissioner urged the Slovak authorities to address, on a broader scale, the persistent segregation in the education of children with disabilities as well as Roma children and to apply inclusive an education.

– Muižnieks: Vzdelávanie Rómov a detí s postihnutím potrebuje víziu. In: Dobre Noviny. 17.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Racism

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The Slovak town of Bardejov elected a new judge. The new judge was a municipal councillor who likened Roma to rats …
And the town doesn’t want to reconsider this nomination.
No further comments.

– Smeráčka prirovnala Rómov k potkanom. Bude sudcom z ľudu. In: Aktuality. 16.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]