Look at “Romano Svato” – a Roma theatre, a film and cultural association in Vienna, Austria.
– https://www.facebook.com/romanosvato/
– http://www.romanosvato.at [link-preview url=”https://www.facebook.com/romanosvato/ “]
Look at “Romano Svato” – a Roma theatre, a film and cultural association in Vienna, Austria.
– https://www.facebook.com/romanosvato/
– http://www.romanosvato.at [link-preview url=”https://www.facebook.com/romanosvato/ “]
The Norwegian Government wants to fund a memorial for the Roma victims of the Holocaust on the site of the former concentration camp of Lety, in the Czech Republic.
– Norway wants to fund Czech Roma Holocaust memorial. In: The Prague Monitor. 15.03.2018. http://www.praguemonitor.com/2018/03/15/norway-wants-fund-czech-roma-holocaust-memorial [link-preview url=”http://www.praguemonitor.com/2018/03/15/norway-wants-fund-czech-roma-holocaust-memorial”]
The Montenegrin Roma municipal employees have created a union to defend their rights. A report of the Roma situation and on the work of these workers.
– MONTÉNÉGRO : LES EMPLOYÉS ROMS DES SERVICES COMMUNAUX CRÉENT LEURS SYNDICATS. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 14.03.2018. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Montenegro-les-Rroms-et-les-Egyptiens-unis-dans-la-lutte-syndicale-pour-les [link-preview url=”https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Montenegro-les-Rroms-et-les-Egyptiens-unis-dans-la-lutte-syndicale-pour-les”]
There is a meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues (CAHROM) from Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Romania and Spain in Helsinki (Finland), on 21-23 March 2018, to discuss access to justice for Roma, and especially for Romnja.
– CAHROM thematic visit on Roma and Traveller’s access to justice (with a focus on women). In: Council of Europe. 14.03.2018. https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/cahrom-thematic-visit-on-roma-and-traveller-s-access-to-justice-with-a-focus-on-women- [link-preview url=”https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/cahrom-thematic-visit-on-roma-and-traveller-s-access-to-justice-with-a-focus-on-women-“]
How do the 2’500-3’000 Sinti and Roma in Freiburg currently live? Reflections on what has changed and on what may change.
– Wie leben Sinti und Roma heute in Freiburg? In: badische Zeitung. 15.03.2018. http://www.badische-zeitung.de/freiburg/wie-leben-sinti-und-roma-heute-in-freiburg–150433385.html [link-preview url=”http://www.badische-zeitung.de/freiburg/wie-leben-sinti-und-roma-heute-in-freiburg–150433385.html”]
Two more articles on the Ceija Stojka retrospective in the Paris “Maison Rouge” until May 20th.
– Ceija Stojka à la Maison rouge : la mémoire d’une artiste rom rescapée des camps. In: France TV Info. 16.03.2018. https://culturebox.francetvinfo.fr/arts/peinture/ceija-stojka-a-la-maison-rouge-la-memoire-d-une-artiste-rom-rescapee-des-camps-270499
– Tsiganes avec Mathieu Pernot et Antoine de Galbert. In: France Inter. 14.03.2018. https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/l-heure-bleue/l-heure-bleue-14-mars-2018 [link-preview url=”https://culturebox.francetvinfo.fr/arts/peinture/ceija-stojka-a-la-maison-rouge-la-memoire-d-une-artiste-rom-rescapee-des-camps-270499 “]
The Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin is showcasing the first Roma Biennale April 7th to 10th.
Here the trailer, the Facebook page, and the Facebook page of the Maxim Gorki Theatre.
– https://youtu.be/0Z2fk9zbDkY
– https://www.facebook.com/RomaBiennale/videos/158046044896609/
– https://www.facebook.com/maximgorkitheaterberlin/?hc_ref=ARReKnPHoxqdCmd_VzL13PeCdEUOLMVCB_11CKrGL7v8VxFceS1RQQhxngojG7JglSw [link-preview url=”https://youtu.be/0Z2fk9zbDkY “]
Some positive news, some that are not fully related to Roma, and then the usual stereotypes – this is what one could say of this week’s French Press on Roma.
On the positive side, an informal survey in Montpellier in the South of France shows that “only” 10% of the residents think that Roma cannot integrate. 53% are for the assimilation – which is not a solution. In Western France, near Nantes, an organisation is calling for a dialogue with Roma. In the North, a bus has been converted into a medical office, and is free of charges.
On the not fully related to Roma, the story of a huge illicit garbage dump 30 km from Paris. It is claimed it was started by Roma a while back, but has definitively been abused by Gadže.
On the negative side, the usual criminal stories. In Aix en Provence, 3 Roma pimps have been arrested; in the South, a traffic of children -really??? – sold into slavery to steal sounds improbable; and finally, a Romni pickpocket in the Nice airport.
– Enquête : comment les habitants des bidonvilles sont perçus à Montpellier. In: Gazette Live. 14.03.2018. http://www.lagazettedemontpellier.fr/24593/enquete-comment-les-habitants-des-bidonvilles-sont-percus-a-montpellier.html
– Yves Madeline invite à converser avec les Roms. In: Ouest France. 17.03.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/reze-44400/yves-madeline-invite-converser-avec-les-roms-5627678
– Lille. Roms : un cabinet médical dans un bus. In: Lille Actu. 11.03.2018. https://actu.fr/hauts-de-france/lille_59350/lille-roms-cabinet-medical-dans-bus_15809711.html
– Yvelines. Une décharge à ciel ouvert s’étend depuis dix ans, les riverains exceeds. In: Ouest France. 12.03.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/ile-de-france/yvelines/yvelines-une-decharge-ciel-ouvert-s-etend-depuis-dix-ans-les-riverains-excedes-5617281
– Déchets : le scandale des décharges sauvages. In: France Info. 12.03.2018. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/environnement/dechets-le-scandale-des-decharges-sauvages_2653688.html
– Une mer de déchets à 30 kilomètres de Paris. In: BFM TV> 12.03.2018. http://www.bfmtv.com/planete/une-mer-de-dechets-a-30-kilometres-de-paris-1393813.html
– Aix-en-Provence : trois proxénètes roms “serrés” par la PJ. In: Corse Info. 16.03.2018. https://www.corsematin.com/article/article/aix-en-provence-trois-proxenetes-roms-serres-par-la-pj
– Des fillettes achetées entre 40 000 et 80 000 euros pour commettre des cambriolages. In: Detective. 12.03.2018. https://www.lenouveaudetective.com/mafia-serbe-demantelee-en-france-ils-achetaient-des-fillettes-pour-commettre-des-cambriolages/
– Elle sévissait en bande à l’aéroport: une pickpocket en prison après avoir été débusquée par sa victim. In: Nice Matin. 13.03.2018. http://www.nicematin.com/faits-divers/elle-sevissait-en-bande-a-laeroport-une-pickpocket-en-prison-apres-avoir-ete-debusquee-par-sa-victime-214860 [link-preview url=”https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/reze-44400/yves-madeline-invite-converser-avec-les-roms-5627678 “]
There will be a “Roma Week” in April in the European Parliament. The European Public Health Alliance exposes here their concerns and views that they will present during this session of the parliament.
– Will the Rhetoric become Reality for Roma in 2018? In: EPHA. 14.03.2018. https://epha.org/will-the-rhetoric-become-reality-for-roma-in-2018/ [link-preview url=”https://epha.org/will-the-rhetoric-become-reality-for-roma-in-2018/”]
The Council of Europe chided Ukraine on the continuing discrimination of Roma in that country. The Advisory Committee recommends that the Ukrainian authorities immediately enact appropriate legislation to protect national minorities; promote respect and fight against = stereotypes in political discourse and society as a whole; provide firm legal guarantees for the protection and use of all minority languages; help in stopping the constant segregation of Roma children in schools and ensuring that the rights of national minorities will not be limited due to changes in administrative boundaries.
Let’s see …
– Совет Европы обеспокоен дискриминацией ромов в Украине. In: Komsomolskaja Pravda. 16.03.2018. https://kp.ua/politics/603512-sovet-evropy-obespokoen-dyskrymynatsyei-romov-v-ukrayne [link-preview url=”https://kp.ua/politics/603512-sovet-evropy-obespokoen-dyskrymynatsyei-romov-v-ukrayne”]
A reportage on Roma in Georgia. Some interesting facts and some disturbing clichés – the famous “baron” being one of them.
– ‘Democracy came and the baron disappeared’. In: OC Media. 16.03.2018. http://oc-media.org/democracy-came-and-the-baron-disappeared/ [link-preview url=”http://oc-media.org/democracy-came-and-the-baron-disappeared/”]
Sheffield hospital reports that they have encountered over 100 cases of young Roma with hearing problems. The issue seems to be inherited as many of these children have relatives who also have hearing problems.
– High number of Roma children with hearing problems. In: The Star. 14.03.2018. https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/high-number-of-roma-children-with-hearing-problems-1-9062675 [link-preview url=”https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/high-number-of-roma-children-with-hearing-problems-1-9062675″]
Roma leaders and representatives of the civil society have launched an initiative of re-forestation in the Elbasan region in central Albania.
– Roma community leaders and civil society organizations contribute to reforestation of Krastë e Madhe. In: Council of Europe. 13.03.2018. https://www.coe.int/en/web/tirana/-/roma-community-leaders-and-civil-society-organizations-contribute-to-reforestation-of-kraste-e-madhe [link-preview url=”https://www.coe.int/en/web/tirana/-/roma-community-leaders-and-civil-society-organizations-contribute-to-reforestation-of-kraste-e-madhe”]
Representatives of the Sinti and Roma have complained against discrimination on Thursday to the Berlin House of Representatives. They say that despite the action plan decided in 2013 they are still discriminated against and socially disadvantaged. This is especially the case when looking for a job or a flat, where they hardly have a chance.
– Sinti und Roma beklagen anhaltende Diskriminierung. In: RBB 24. 15.03.2018. https://www.rbb24.de/politik/beitrag/2018/03/berlins-sinti-und-roma-beklagen-anhaltende-diskriminierung.html [link-preview url=”https://www.rbb24.de/politik/beitrag/2018/03/berlins-sinti-und-roma-beklagen-anhaltende-diskriminierung.html”]
An exhibition of photographs of “Gens du Voyage” [travellers] with pictures between 1860 and now is open in Paris at the National Museum of the History of Immigration.
– Les « gens du voyage » en images au Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration. In: Le Monde. 13.03.2018. http://www.lemonde.fr/photo/portfolio/2018/03/13/les-gens-du-voyage-en-images-au-musee-national-de-l-histoire-de-l-immigration_5270110_4789037.html#Tso4CrlrOvD6JXRq.99 [link-preview url=”http://www.lemonde.fr/photo/portfolio/2018/03/13/les-gens-du-voyage-en-images-au-musee-national-de-l-histoire-de-l-immigration_5270110_4789037.html#Tso4CrlrOvD6JXRq.99″]
A chilling article on the treatment of Roma children in schools in Hungary. The testimonies were given in the context of a lawsuit against a school.
This will have little chances of succeeding, unfortunately.
– Roma children systematically humiliated in Hungary’s segregated schools. In: Budapest Beacon. 15.03.2018. https://budapestbeacon.com/roma-children-systematically-humiliated-in-hungarys-segregated-schools/ [link-preview url=”https://budapestbeacon.com/roma-children-systematically-humiliated-in-hungarys-segregated-schools/”]
The Law on travellers proposed by the Canton of Bern is getting bashed by a law professor who considers it illegal. The proposal would bring drastic measures against travellers who would be treated in the same way as hooligans.
Bad law, good critique!
– «Lex Fahrende» erhält miese Noten. In: Der Bund. 14.03.2018. https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/lex-fahrende-erhaelt-miese-noten/story/18895340
– Jus-Professor kritisiert «Lex Fahrende». In: Berner Zeitung. 14.03.2018. https://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/kanton-bern/jusprofessor-kritisiert-lex-fahrende/story/12727031 [link-preview url=”https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/lex-fahrende-erhaelt-miese-noten/story/18895340 “]
Wrong historical facts, but interesting about insights about Roma in Australia estimated at about 25’000.
– The secret history of Romani Gypsies. In: The Courrier Mail. 15.03.2018. http://www.couriermail.com.au/rendezview/the-secret-history-of-romani-gypsies/news-story/e80670f50b0237cab91acad820155c5d [link-preview url=”http://www.couriermail.com.au/rendezview/the-secret-history-of-romani-gypsies/news-story/e80670f50b0237cab91acad820155c5d”]
A project in Žiari nad Hronom, which was supposed to teach long-term unemployed Roma to work, has been stopped. Although it only lasted less than two years, the City Hall decided to cancel it. They claim that the experiment was only partially successful and after the loss of jobs from the Labour Office, they no longer have work for Roma.
– Experiment s nezamestnanými Rómami sa skončil s čiastočným úspechom. In: TA3. 11.03.2018. https://www.ta3.com/clanok/1123639/experiment-s-nezamestnanymi-romami-sa-skoncil-s-ciastocnym-uspechom.html [link-preview url=”https://www.ta3.com/clanok/1123639/experiment-s-nezamestnanymi-romami-sa-skoncil-s-ciastocnym-uspechom.html”]
An exhibition on the premises of the Nitra Gallery will last until 30 April and will showcase the HateFree project, which was first presented in the DOX Center of Contemporary Art in Prague. This project is responding to an increase in hate towards minorities in the Czech Republic. In its present form, the exhibition was established in cooperation with the Museum of Romany Culture in Brno and presents the work of artists from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary.
– Nitrianska galéria ponúka pohľad na postavenie Rómov v spoločnosti. In: 24 Hod. 10.03.2018. http://www.24hod.sk/nitrianska-galeria-ponuka-pohlad-na-postavenie-romov-v-spolocnosti-cl572473.html [link-preview url=”http://www.24hod.sk/nitrianska-galeria-ponuka-pohlad-na-postavenie-romov-v-spolocnosti-cl572473.html”]