Daily Archives: April 2, 2018


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A long article on the theatre play “Giuvlipen” and on its actors in Romania. The journalists give a portrait of the actors and their engagement both for feminism and against racism.

– THÉÂTRE EN ROUMANIE : GIUVLIPEN, LA TROUPE QUI MET EN SCÈNE LE FÉMINISME ET L’ACTIVISME ROM. In: Le Corrier des Balkans. 28.03.2018. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Theatre-en-Roumanie-Giuvlipen-la-troupe-qui-met-en-scene-le-feminisme-et-l

Finland: Discrimination

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An editorial in a Finnish paper highlights the inherent discrimination encountered by Roma. According to the paper one Romni sent 400 application letters, and received only 4 negative answers. Another cannot graduate as he cannto find a job placement required for his diploma.

– Thursday’s papers: Million-euro pay packets, Metro staff disquiet and Roma discrimination. In: Yle Utiset. 29.03.2018. https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/thursdays_papers_million-euro_pay_packets_metro_staff_disquiet_and_roma_discrimination/10138505
– Kun sukunimi on väärä – miltä tuntuisi, jos lapsesi ei olisi tervetullut mihinkään? In: Helsingin Sanomat. 29.03.2018. https://www.hs.fi/mielipide/art-2000005621588.html
