Daily Archives: April 2, 2018


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A long article on the theatre play “Giuvlipen” and on its actors in Romania. The journalists give a portrait of the actors and their engagement both for feminism and against racism.

– THÉÂTRE EN ROUMANIE : GIUVLIPEN, LA TROUPE QUI MET EN SCÈNE LE FÉMINISME ET L’ACTIVISME ROM. In: Le Corrier des Balkans. 28.03.2018. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Theatre-en-Roumanie-Giuvlipen-la-troupe-qui-met-en-scene-le-feminisme-et-l [link-preview url=”https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Theatre-en-Roumanie-Giuvlipen-la-troupe-qui-met-en-scene-le-feminisme-et-l”]

Lausanne and Beggars

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Again an article on beggars in Lausanne, this time accusing the police of being to lenient. It is forbidden to beg in that city if in company of children.
Lots of noise for less than a hundred people in that city.

– MENDICITÉ À LAUSANNE: LA POLICE FERME TROP LES YEUX. In: Le Matin. 30.03.2018. https://www.lematin.ch/suisse/Mendicite-la-police-ferme-trop-les-yeux/story/16931136 [link-preview url=”https://www.lematin.ch/suisse/Mendicite-la-police-ferme-trop-les-yeux/story/16931136″]

Finland: Discrimination

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An editorial in a Finnish paper highlights the inherent discrimination encountered by Roma. According to the paper one Romni sent 400 application letters, and received only 4 negative answers. Another cannot graduate as he cannto find a job placement required for his diploma.

– Thursday’s papers: Million-euro pay packets, Metro staff disquiet and Roma discrimination. In: Yle Utiset. 29.03.2018. https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/thursdays_papers_million-euro_pay_packets_metro_staff_disquiet_and_roma_discrimination/10138505
– Kun sukunimi on väärä – miltä tuntuisi, jos lapsesi ei olisi tervetullut mihinkään? In: Helsingin Sanomat. 29.03.2018. https://www.hs.fi/mielipide/art-2000005621588.html [link-preview url=”https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/thursdays_papers_million-euro_pay_packets_metro_staff_disquiet_and_roma_discrimination/10138505 “]
