Daily Archives: April 3, 2018

EU Roma Week

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A reminder of the EU Roma Week that will start on April 8th in Brussels.

– http://ergonetwork.org/2018/03/join-us-eu-roma-week-2018/ [link-preview url=”http://ergonetwork.org/2018/03/join-us-eu-roma-week-2018/”]

First Roma Biennale

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The Berlin theatre “Maxim Gorki” will open the first Roma Biennale on April 7th. The Biennale will showcase Roma artists and will also organise a Roma Parade through Berlin on April 8th, the International Roma Day.

– Maxim Gorki Theater Erste Roma Biennale startet in Berlin. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung. 02.04.2018. https://www.mz-web.de/kultur/maxim-gorki-theater-erste-roma-biennale-startet-in-berlin-29954504 [link-preview url=”https://www.mz-web.de/kultur/maxim-gorki-theater-erste-roma-biennale-startet-in-berlin-29954504″]

A Ciambra

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A review of the movie “A Ciambra” of the Italian-America filmmaker Jonas Carpignano on a friendship of a young Rom with a man from Burkina Fasso in a small town in Southern Italy.

– A Ciambra ou le pénible passage à l’âge adulte. In: El Watan. 03.04.2018. http://www.elwatan.com/culture/a-ciambra-ou-le-penible-passage-a-l-age-adulte-30-03-2018-365377_113.php [link-preview url=”http://www.elwatan.com/culture/a-ciambra-ou-le-penible-passage-a-l-age-adulte-30-03-2018-365377_113.php”]
