Daily Archives: April 14, 2018

Roma Biennale

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A report of the first Roma Biennale in Berlin in the Maxime Gorki Theatre.

– 1. Roma Biennale: Gypsy Eyes. In: Artmagazine. 10.04.2018. http://www.artmagazine.cc/content102249.html [link-preview url=”http://www.artmagazine.cc/content102249.html”]


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The young socialists in Szitwerland want to forbid the term “Zigeunerschnitzel” – a form of grilled meat. The controversy went further and led to discussions about a festival in Switzerland organised by the “Fahrendes Zigeuner Kulturzentrum” – a Jenische Organisation that has been organising events for the last 30 years. The action is now being extended to the use of “Zigeuner” a term which is definitively derogatory.
Not all politicians, even Green ones agree…

– Ist das Wort «Zigeuner-Schnitzel» rassistisch? In: 20 Minuten (CH). 13.04.2018. http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/news/story/daswortzigeuner-13239387 [link-preview url=”http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/news/story/daswortzigeuner-13239387″]

Hotel Gračanica

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A reportage on the hotel Gračanica, a Roma hotel in Kosovo and a project against hatred and prejudice.
A must see!

– Re: Projekt Versöhnung. Das Roma-Hotel im Kosovo. In: Arte. 06.04.2018. https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/073399-014-A/re-projekt-versoehnung/ [link-preview url=”https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/073399-014-A/re-projekt-versoehnung/”]

Roma and Auschwitz

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A reportage on a pilgrimage to Auschwitz of the grand-child of Roma who were deported there 75 years ago.

– Sinti und Roma in Auschwitz: “Das willst du gar nicht wissen”. In: Deutsche Welle. 08.04.2018. http://www.dw.com/de/sinti-und-roma-in-auschwitz-das-willst-du-gar-nicht-wissen/a-43156681 [link-preview url=”http://www.dw.com/de/sinti-und-roma-in-auschwitz-das-willst-du-gar-nicht-wissen/a-43156681″]
