Daily Archives: April 16, 2018

France and Roma

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As usual … A short presentation of Roma by l’Express mixes a few correct facts (Indian origins) with total BS, assimilating the Roma as a whole to the Vlach Roma from Romania, stating that they starting arriving in Europe in the 1980’s (in fact they arrived about 80 years earlier) etc…
This is supposed to be informative …

– Roms: quatre lettres pour comprendre. In: L’Express. 08.04.2018. https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/roms-quatre-lettres-pour-comprendre_1998299.html

Slovakia: An Interview

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An interview of the Slovak journalist Stanislava Harkotova on Roma, stereotypes, and how they are presented in the press in that country. Her comments are not devoid of some stereotypes, but she did make the step and went to see for herself.

– Myslela som si, že Rómov sa treba báť. Až kým sa o mňa nestarali rómski učňovkári. In: HN Slovensko. 13.04.2018. https://slovensko.hnonline.sk/1727343-myslela-som-si-ze-romov-sa-treba-bat-az-kym-sa-o-mna-nestarali-romski-ucnovkari
