Daily Archives: April 26, 2018

Slovakia: Education and Inclusion

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NGOs in Slovakia have criticised the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MŠVVaŠ) of the Slovak Republic on their implementation of inclusive education of pupils from socially disadvantaged environment based on the approved Strategy of the Roma Integration for 2020.
The criticism is based on the NGOs monitoring report on the implementation of measures of the national Roma integration strategy in Slovakia that was delivered to the EU.

– Inkluzívne vzdelávanie má zlepšiť stratégiu začlenenia Rómov. In: Dobre Noviny. 25.04.2018. https://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/130454/inkluzivne-vzdelavanie-ma-zlepsit-strategiu-zaclenenia-romov

More on the Ukraine Attacks

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Representatives of the nationalist organization C14 drove the Roma out of the camp on the Bald Mountain in Kiev and burnt their tents and belongings. Law enforcers did not react in any way.
According to the Roma, things did not go so smoothly. The Roma from the camp told us that the nationalists from C14 threatened them with knives, stones, and even pistols. As the “Gromadske radio” reports, all Roma families have now returned to Transcarpathia.
So far, only Ukrainian and Slovak Media have reported this event.

– Погромы в Киеве. Националисты против ромов. In: Korrespondent. 25.04.2018. https://korrespondent.net/ukraine/3964931-pohromy-v-kyeve-natsyonalysty-protyv-romov
– Rómovia utekali pred radikálmi na Ukrajine. In: Aktualny. 25.04.2018. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/584360/romovia-utekali-pred-radikalmi-na-ukrajine/
