Monthly Archives: April 2018


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The term “Gypsy” is still used commonly among Broadway performers. Nevertheless, the Actors’ Association is renouncing the use of the term, out of respect to Roma.

– Term of Affection? Ethnic Slur? Theater Union Decides That ‘Gypsy’ Must Go. In: The New York Times. 20.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Minors Weddings

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An article about arranged marriages of minors among Roma in Montenegro. Again, the tradition of a group of Roma (Vlach) is generalised to all Roma – something that is not the case. Here, organisations actually say that this is human trafficking. It is bad for all.

– MONTÉNÉGRO : LES MARIAGES ARRANGÉS DES MINEUR.E.S ROMS, UNE TRADITION HORS-LA-LOI. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 20.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine Vigilantes

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Ukrainian neo Nazi vigilantes burnt down a Roma camp and drove away the Roma in Kiev. These Roma are from Transcarpathia – the Western part of the Ukraine that lies on the Western flank of the Ukraine towards Hungary and Slovakia. The region has many Carpathian Roma who are extremely poor.

– Ukrainian neo-Nazi C14 vigilantes drive out Roma families, burn their camp. In: KHPG. 23.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Italy and Roma

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Giorgio Halilovic was born on August 12, 1982 in Rome in a camp and was the beneficiary of a EU funded program on integration. In the afternoon of April 12th, 2018, he was arrested by the police, transferred to the Office of the Police Headquarters of Rome and officially expelled from Italy. The next day he was put on an airplane and taken to Sarajevo, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country he had never been to.
This is the new policy of the Five Star movement and of the Rome Mayor Raggi.

– Rom e Sinti: giustizia per Giorgio Halilovic e le famiglie del Camping River. In: Agora. 18.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma, Serbia, and Soros

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Georges Soros met the Serbian President Vucic and they discussed the topic of the Roma. Georges Soros funded many projects helping Roma.

– Vucic and Soros talk about position of Roma in Serbia. In: B92. 20.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Romania, measles and vaccination

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Another Roma child died of measles in Romania. The epidemic is progressing fast, in part due to Roma being suspicious of the state’s vaccination campaign.

– Un bébé meurt de la rougeole en Roumanie, l’épidémie progresse. In: Huff Post (FR). 19.04.2018.
– En Roumanie, la méfiance envers les vaccins tue. In: Boursorama. 19.04.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle

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Not an awful lot on Roma this week in France. The story of 4 families in Gardannes, told through a book; the story of social workers in Western France; also in the West, in Poitiers, residents are fed up with the garbage from a nearby camp; in the Essones, near Paris, a child is the victim of an accident; and finally, a reportage on the alternative culture in Montreuil, near Paris.

– Puits Z à Gardanne, souvenirs d’un « paradis perdu » pour les Roms. In: Marsactu. 21.04.2018.
– Tous les jours, elles voient les familles roms. In: Ouest France. 223.04.2018.
– A Poitiers, les riverains d’un squat Bd Grand Cerf désespérés de vivre au milieu des poubelles. In: France Bleu. 17.04.2018.
– Corbeil-Essonnes : un enfant de 2 ans victime d’un grave accident. In: Le Parisien. 17.04.2018.
– Le documentaire “Demain c’est déjà loin” raconte la culture alternative de Montreuil. In: Les InRocks. 21.04.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia – Prešov

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The Prešov region will have a new counsellor for “socially excluded” communities – i.e. for Roma. The Role was given to Róbert Neupauer, who has field experience, mainly from a Roma settlement in the village of Križova Ves (Kežmarok district), where he worked in a mission-community centre.
The role is supposed to look for concrete solutions to the problems faced by Roma in the region.

– Prešovský kraj bude mať poradcu pre sociálne vylúčené komunity. In: Korzar. 19.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Housing

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A project in Slovakia is helping Roma families to build their own houses. For that they need to save some money – 50 Euros per month for a year at least. Some of the houses will be built on the Lunik IX site in Košice.

– Rok si odkladá 50 eur, aby mohla preč z osady. In: Aktuality. 20.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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A Czech man was condemned to 12.5 years in prison for the shooting and murder of a Rom in Ušti nad Labem. He had shot 13 bullets at a van driven by the Rom.
Cheap for a life, but better than nothing. The killer is appealing.

– VIDEO: First-instance verdict in the Chomutov shooting case – 12.5 years. In: Romea. 19.04.2018.
– BREAKING NEWS: Czech shooter of Romani man gets 12.5 years in prison. In: Romea. 17.04.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Rome: Repatriation

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Rome’s mayor, Virgina Raggi, now wants to use “assisted repatriations” for non-Italian Roma to ease the closure of the camps.
REALLY????? The Italians did everything in their powers to deny citizenship to Roma in camps. So people have lived for 30 years in those camps will be assisted to go back in their countries… It says a lot how far right Italy has gone.

– Roma, la Giunta della sindaca Raggi verso il “rimpatrio assistito” per i rom non italiani. In: il Fatto Quotidiano. 19.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Berlin Squat

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An article about a squat in Berlin that was recently closed. The Roma who lived there were evacuated. This article is actually quite good as the fault for the dire state of the property are pushed towards the owner rather than, as usual, towards Roma.

– Haus geräumt, Horror beendet? In: Die Zeit. 17.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

We do not say it …

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An interview with Rinaldo Strauss, a Sinti representative in Hesse on the occasion of a cultural evening aimed at fighting against stereotypes. He clearly says that many Sinti and Roma simply do not say they are.

– Viele Sinti und Roma verleugnen ihre Abstammung: Von Zigeunerbildern und Vorurteilen. In: HNA. 20.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Bad …

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A bad article: A German whose house in Mallorca was occupied by Roma, who transformed it into a thieves’ nest. He finally managed to remove them from his property after several months.
Why is it bad: Well, it certainly feeds the stereotypes.

– Hamburger erobert seine Villa von Hausbesetzern zurück. In: Die Welt. 19.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: A Teacher

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A Slovak teacher simply refused to grade racist essays. Good! Read the interview.

– Slovakia: Meet the Romani teacher who refused to grade racist essays. In: Romea. 14.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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Written by the son of Damian Le Bas who recently died, an article about the first Roma biennale held in Berlin in the Maxim Gorki Theatre.

– Celebrating Romani art and culture at the first Roma Biennale. In: Apollo Magazine. 19.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma, Serbia, and Germany

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A German politician goes to Serbia to see the situation for himself. Well, it is bad in the “safe” country of Serbia for Roma. And people who are sent back are in a really bad position.

– Kretschmann in Serbien in heikler Mission. In: Schwäbische Politik. 19.04.2018.,-kretschmann-in-serbien-in-heikler-mission-_arid,10855163.html [link-preview url=”,-kretschmann-in-serbien-in-heikler-mission-_arid,10855163.html”]


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Again an article about poor dogs and pets being saved from their plight and being removed from a Roma ghetto – this time in Slovakia.
Did they check the conditions in which the Roma live?
This kind of journalism is not acceptable.

– Große Tierrettung aus Müll und Elend. In: Frankenpost. 18.04.2018.;art2441,6086226 [link-preview url=”;art2441,6086226″]

Roma Philharmonic

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The European Roma and Sinti Philharmonic is seeking funds in order to be able to perform in Wiesbaden, Germany, during the week against Antitsiganism. They are seeking 30’000 Euros.

– Sinti- und Roma-Konzert auf der Kippe. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 18.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Bergen Belsen

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An exhibition on the children that were interned in the camp has opened on the site of the Bergen Belsen camp. It also documents the fate of Sinti and Roma children.

– Bergen-Belsen concentration camp exhibition focuses on the fate of children. In: Deutsche Welle. 17.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]