Daily Archives: Mai 1, 2018

NO …

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An essay by Assistant Professor of Pedagogy – Intercultural Education at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Greece. His view is that there is no such thing as “Roma” and that Roma are a collection of distinct groups.
Well, we are leaning more towards the theories of Roma Nation that he cites as being wrong …

– How Europe Gets Roma Culture And Identity Wrong. In: Social Europe. 30.04.2018. https://www.socialeurope.eu/roma-culture-and-identity

Slovakia: Segregation

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The Roma Monitoring Report, prepared for the European Commission notes several cases of blatant segregation in the Slovak school system. Children are put in special school (nothing new), and teachers of such schools were even documented offering bribes to the parents to get the children in their schools. In many cases, the children were almost automatically “diagnosed” with mental illness, boosting the revenue of the school.
Clearly, these schools do not do much in matters of education.

– Segregácia Rómov sa presúva zo základných škôl už aj na stredné. In: Slovensko Honline. 25.04.2018. https://slovensko.hnonline.sk/1734001-segregacia-romov-sa-presuva-zo-zakladnych-skol-uz-aj-na-stredne

Ukraine: Another one!!!

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A new video of an attack against Roma – this time arson – surfaced in Ukraine. This shortly after the Pogrom that was widely commented. Here, people are seen setting fire to a flat in a privately owned house occupied by Roma.

Опубликовано видео, как радикалы сожгли дом ромов в Киеве. In: РИА Новости Украина. 27.04.2018. https://rian.com.ua/video/20180427/1034675249/Kiev-radikaly-sozhgli-dom-romov.html

Ukraine – More

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C14, the group that attacked the Roma camp in Kiev last week originally posted photos on Facebook claiming that they had simply gone to the site to collect garbage. Only later did the videos of the attacks emerge, some of them posted by C14th members.

– Шабаш на Лысой горе. Как националисты после дня рождения Гитлера напали на табор ромов и к чему это привело. In: Strana. 27.04.2018. https://strana.ua/news/138410-razhrom-tabora-romov-reaktsija-vlastej-i-natsionalistov.html
