Daily Archives: Mai 2, 2018

Slovakia: Controversy

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A controversy erupted in Slovakia about subsidies for culture. The Slovak Fund for the Promotion of the Culture of National Minorities set money aside for the Roma. It now turns out that the organisations whose members sat on the committee for the attribution of these funds received a large part of them.
Young Roma signed a petition and pointed out that several of these organisations did not have their headquarters clearly identified and did not really engage in the activities for which they received funds.

– Dostali dotácie, o ktorých mali sami rozhodovať. SNS zvoláva výbor. In: SME Domov. 30.04.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20815692/romovia-parlamentny-vybor-sns-dotacie-romska-kultura-fpknm.html [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/20815692/romovia-parlamentny-vybor-sns-dotacie-romska-kultura-fpknm.html”]

Jacob’s Colours

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The novel about the Roma Holocaust and its victims, Jacob’s Colours, has been translated into Czech… Let’s hope it is also read.

– Novel about the Holocaust and its Romani victims, “Jacob’s Colours”, now in Czech translation. In: Romea. 30.04.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/novel-about-the-holocaust-and-its-romani-victims-jacob-s-colours-now-in-czech-translation [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/novel-about-the-holocaust-and-its-romani-victims-jacob-s-colours-now-in-czech-translation”]

Slovakia: Work

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The rapid fall of unemployment in Slovakia is helping Roma: They are increasingly being hired. Currently, one estimates that there are around 100’000 unemployed Roma in the country.

– Pracovný boom nahráva aj Rómom. No k práci sa dostávajú ako poslední. In: HN Slovensko. 27.04.2018. https://slovensko.hnonline.sk/1735402-pracovny-boom-nahrava-aj-romom-no-k-praci-sa-dostavaju-ako-posledni [link-preview url=”https://slovensko.hnonline.sk/1735402-pracovny-boom-nahrava-aj-romom-no-k-praci-sa-dostavaju-ako-posledni”]
