Daily Archives: Mai 3, 2018

UK, Roma, and Sexual Exploitation

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According to social workers, Roma children need translators to fend of the risk of sexual exploitation.
Very good, and certainly a good idea in some case. But this leaves an aftertaste: It implies Roma children are at greater risk of being sexually exploited. Is this not actually the case of any child from a poor family and with a poor knowledge of English or simply not yet well integrated? Would the same article be written about people of African origins?

– Roma children need translators to help spell out exploitation risk. In: The Times. 02.05.2018. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/roma-children-need-translators-to-help-spell-out-exploitation-risk-5hhn03rlk [link-preview url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/roma-children-need-translators-to-help-spell-out-exploitation-risk-5hhn03rlk”]

Portugal: Roma and Politics

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An EU program has been helping Roma to enter politics at every level of the Portugese government.
Roma in Portugal are still very much discriminated and stereotypes against them are deeply ingrained.

– Portuguese gypsies “prepare to enter parliament”. In: The Portugal Resident. 30.04.2018. http://portugalresident.com/portuguese-gypsies-“prepare-to-enter-parliament” [link-preview url=”http://portugalresident.com/portuguese-gypsies-“prepare-to-enter-parliament””]

Hungary: Racism

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Members of the Roma band “Pasrno Grast” were refused entry in a disco in Budapest on most probably on the grounds of them being Roma. This in spite of the fact that the band is well known in Hungary and its concerts are attended by many non-Roma Hungarians.
Unfortunately, not surprising in Hungary.

– Nem engedték be egy pesti diszkóba a roma Parno Graszt zenekar tagjait. In: Index Culture. 29.04.2018. https://index.hu/kultur/2018/04/29/parno_graszt_diszko_diszkriminacio/ [link-preview url=”https://index.hu/kultur/2018/04/29/parno_graszt_diszko_diszkriminacio/”]
