Daily Archives: Mai 4, 2018

Roma und Sinti Philharmonic

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A concert of the Roma Philharmonic was a public hit. Unfortunately, a collect by the ensemble in order to be able to perform during the “Requiem for Auschwitz” in Wiesbaden is still missing 8’000 EUR.
Please look at the second article and help!

– „Roma- und Sinti-Philharmoniker“ begeistern rund 300 Zuhörer. In: GN Online. 30.04.2018. https://www.gn-online.de/nordhorn/roma-und-sinti-philharmoniker-begeistern-rund-300-zuhoerer-234373.html
– Spenden für Konzert. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 30.04.2018. http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/alle-gemeinden/wiesbaden/wiesbaden-spenden-fuer-konzert-a-1497170 [link-preview url=”https://www.gn-online.de/nordhorn/roma-und-sinti-philharmoniker-begeistern-rund-300-zuhoerer-234373.html “]

Holland and Holocaust

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The Dutch are speaking about Roma victims of the Holocaust. This time from Den Bosch, where 51 Roma were transferred in May 1944 to a camp where all but 13 died.

– Over Sinti en Roma in oorlogstijd Den Bosch is bitter weinig bekend. In: BD. 02.05.2018. https://www.bd.nl/s-hertogenbosch/over-sinti-en-roma-in-oorlogstijd-den-bosch-is-bitter-weinig-bekend~acf7143b/ [link-preview url=”https://www.bd.nl/s-hertogenbosch/over-sinti-en-roma-in-oorlogstijd-den-bosch-is-bitter-weinig-bekend~acf7143b/”]

Slovakia, Police, and Roma

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In 2009, several policemen were accused of having abused Roma after their arrest in Košice. The case has been in court ever since. The appeal court effectively cleared the policemen in a controversial judgement staing that the testimonies of the victims were contradictory.
The regional court of Košice cancelled the verdict from the appeal court and referred the case back to the lower court.
Good, let’s hope this continues!

– Kauza policajnej šikany Rómov sa vracia na súd. In: Trend. 04.05.2018. https://www.etrend.sk/ekonomika/kauza-policajnej-sikany-romov-sa-vracia-na-sud.html [link-preview url=”https://www.etrend.sk/ekonomika/kauza-policajnej-sikany-romov-sa-vracia-na-sud.html”]
