Daily Archives: Mai 8, 2018

Ede and Unku

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A German Sinto, a distant relative of Unku, a Sintica who died in Auschwitz, recently wrote the continuation the book Ede and Unku. That book told the story of a friendship between a worker and a Sintica and was forbidden by the Nazis in 1933.

– Die wahre Geschichte von Ede und Unku. In: Deutschlandrundfunk. 07.05.2018. http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/janko-lauenberger-die-wahre-geschichte-von-ede-und-unku.1310.de.html?dram:article_id=417351
– Das letzte Kapitel Unkus qualvoller Tod in Auschwitz. In: Berliner Zeitung. 07.05.2018. https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/30126746

Ukraine: Police Announces Suspects

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The Ukrainian police announced at last that they have identified suspects in the violent closing of a Roma camp in Kiev on April 21st.
They had trouble explaining what took them so long with the number of videos produced by the criminals themselves …

– Разгром лагеря ромов в Киеве: полиция объявила подозрения. In: Liga. 07.05.2018. http://news.liga.net/incidents/news/razgrom-lagerya-romov-v-kieve-politsiya-obyavila-podozreniya
– Разгон ромов в Киеве: Аваков похвалился успехами. In: Obozrevatel. 07.05.2018. https://www.obozrevatel.com/kiyany/answer/za-razgrom-romov-v-kieve.htm
– Погром лагеря ромов в Киеве: полиция объявила подозрения. In: Korrespondent. 07.05.2018. https://korrespondent.net/city/kiev/3968573-pohrom-laheria-romov-v-kyeve-polytsyia-obiavyla-podozrenyia
– Аваков рассказал о подозрениях в деле о поджоге лагеря ромов. In: Vesti. 07.05.2018. https://vesti-ukr.com/kiev/288213-avakov-rasskazal-o-podozrenijakh-v-dele-o-podzhohe-laherja-romov
