Daily Archives: Mai 9, 2018

Ireland, Travellers, and Roma

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An analysis of the situation of Travellers and Roma in Ireland and the continuing discrimination they face.

– Perniciousness of racism and ableism in Ireland still continues. In: The Irish Times. 08.05.2018. https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/health-family/perniciousness-of-racism-and-ableism-in-ireland-still-continues-1.3480297 [link-preview url=”https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/health-family/perniciousness-of-racism-and-ableism-in-ireland-still-continues-1.3480297″]

Red Skirt

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Not really sure about an exhibition in Slovakia entitled “Red Skirt” and retracing the way Roma have dressed in the country from their arrival in the middle ages to last century. The difficulty here is always the stereotypes and their perpetuation.

– Červenú sukňu mám… Myturiec. 04.05.2018. https://myturiec.sme.sk/c/20816013/cervenu-suknu-mam.html [link-preview url=”https://myturiec.sme.sk/c/20816013/cervenu-suknu-mam.html”]

Djudjevan in Berlin

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The Berlin police intervened last Sunday in a park after finding a group of Roma roasting entire lambs on a spit for Djudjevan. They had to leave but other than that, no further actions were taken. The Roma were from Croatia and Bosnia.

– Romi iz BiH in Hrvaške so kar sredi berlinskega parka postavili žar in si pekli ovce. In: Reporter. 09.05.2018. https://reporter.si/clanek/magazin/romi-iz-bih-in-hrvaske-so-kar-sredi-berlinskega-parka-postavili-zar-in-si-pekli-ovce-637422
– Sredi Berlina skupina Romov pekla jagenjčke na ražnju. In: Primorske Novice. 08.05.2018. https://www.primorske.si/zanimivosti/sredi-berlina-skupina-romov-pekla-jagenjcke-na-raz [link-preview url=”https://reporter.si/clanek/magazin/romi-iz-bih-in-hrvaske-so-kar-sredi-berlinskega-parka-postavili-zar-in-si-pekli-ovce-637422 “]
