Daily Archives: Mai 10, 2018

Rome and Roma

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One reportage and one article on the criminality in Rome with a Roma clan being heavily involved in Casamonica, a suburb of Rome. The article is really bad too, with many stereotypes and disparaging remarks.

– Casamonica, il clan di origine Sinti che spadroneggia a Roma. In: TG LA 7. 09.05.2018. http://tg.la7.it/cronaca/casamonica-il-clan-di-origine-sinti-che-spadroneggia-a-roma-09-05-2018-127369
– Quel marcio che strozza Roma. In: Articlo21. 10.05.2018. https://www.articolo21.org/2018/05/quel-marcio-che-strozza-roma/ [link-preview url=”https://www.articolo21.org/2018/05/quel-marcio-che-strozza-roma/”]

Balkan and Roma

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A survey on the situation of Roma by the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank, supported by the European Commission in the Western Balkan, while showing some progress highlighted high unemployment (up to 80%) and continuing discrimination.
As usual, these studies need to be taken with a grain of salt as they never include integrated Roma – tilting the results.

– Survey shows unemployment, poverty among W. Balkans’ Roma. In: The Tribune. 09.05.2018. http://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/nation-world/world/article210766949.html
– Survey shows unemployment, poverty among W. Balkans’ Roma. In: The Tampa Bay. 09.05.2018. http://www.tampabay.com/survey-shows-unemployment-poverty-among-w-balkans-roma-ap_world53a4952ffaf64347a088ee76c22b68e6 [link-preview url=”http://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/nation-world/world/article210766949.html “]

Brexit: What Next?

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Roma who emigrated to the UK are facing serious issues following Brexit: Uncertainty as to their status; increasing hate crimes against them; and loss of EU funding for programs aimed at their integration in the UK.
Not pretty.

– Where next for migrant Roma communities post-Brexit? In: Open Democracy. 09.05.2018. https://www.opendemocracy.net/uk/cristian-tileag-salomea-popoviciu/where-next-for-migrant-roma-communities-post-brexit [link-preview url=”https://www.opendemocracy.net/uk/cristian-tileag-salomea-popoviciu/where-next-for-migrant-roma-communities-post-brexit”]
