Daily Archives: Mai 19, 2018

Bern: Camping Sites

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The discussion on sites for travellers in the canton of Bern is a never-ending story. Two sites cannot be used, and now maybe an alternative on prison land can be found…

– Fahrende auf Land von Gefängnis? In: 20 Minuten (CH). 18.05.2018. http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/bern/story/Fahrende-auf-Knast-Land–16907062 [link-preview url=”http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/bern/story/Fahrende-auf-Knast-Land–16907062″]

Italy and Populists

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Matteo Salvini – the leader of the Norther League – is on a crusade. He wants to dismantle all the Roma camps and clearly also to expel them outside of Italy. He is grossly exaggerating the number of Roma living in those camps, citing 40’000 whereas the last serious statistic found less than 12’000.
In any case, the Lega agrees with the 5 stars, and it is not really good for Roma.

– La “ruspa” di Salvini contro i rom e sinti. Per ora. In: Farodi Roma. 19.05.2018. http://www.farodiroma.it/la-ruspa-di-salvini-contro-i-rom-e-sinti-per-ora/
– Campi nomadi, il presidente dei rom: “Giusto smantellarli, noi pronti a collaborare”. In: Dire. http://www.dire.it/17-05-2018/203347-campi-nomadi-il-presidente-dei-rom-giusto-smantellarli-noi-pronti-a-collaborare/ [link-preview url=”http://www.farodiroma.it/la-ruspa-di-salvini-contro-i-rom-e-sinti-per-ora/ “]

Ukraine: Artists Action

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Several Ukrainian artists built a makeshift house to remind people about the plight of Roma and others who live in shantytowns in the Ukraine.
On the second article in “Korrespondent”, there are many comments that are really scary against Roma.

– В центре Киева построили жилье для ромов (Фото). In: ABC News. 18.05.2018. http://abcnews.com.ua/ru/news/v-tsentre-kieva-postroili-zhile-dlia-romov-foto
– В центре Киева воссоздали хижину ромов. In: Korrespondent. 19.05.2018. https://korrespondent.net/city/kiev/3972345-v-tsentre-kyeva-vossozdaly-khyzhynu-romov [link-preview url=”https://korrespondent.net/city/kiev/3972345-v-tsentre-kyeva-vossozdaly-khyzhynu-romov”]
