Daily Archives: Mai 25, 2018

Political Voice

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The 15th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues (CAHROM) was held in Athens on 24 May 2018 and saw a call for more political voice for Roma.
Let’s hope this translates into more than just a call …

– John WARMISHAM at CAHROM: ‘’If Roma have a political voice, they can stand up for their rights and fight anti-Gypsyism’’. In: COE. 24.05.2018. https://www.coe.int/en/web/congress/-/john-warmisham-at-cahrom-if-roma-have-a-political-voice-they-can-stand-up-for-their-rights-and-fight-anti-gypsyis-1 [link-preview url=”https://www.coe.int/en/web/congress/-/john-warmisham-at-cahrom-if-roma-have-a-political-voice-they-can-stand-up-for-their-rights-and-fight-anti-gypsyis-1″]

Ukraine: Video

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A video on Roma in the Ukraine in the context of the recent attack in Ternopil region.
This being a Russian News outlet, some of the comments are to be taken with a word of caution.
Fact remains, the perpetrators of the attacks are largely not arrested and much less condemned.

– ПРИЧИНОЙ НАПАДЕНИЙ РАДИКАЛОВ НА РОМОВ МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ ПОЛИТИКА ИЛИ ОТВЛЕЧЕНИЕ ВНИМАНИЯ. In: RU TSN. https://ru.tsn.ua/video/video-novini/prichinoy-napadeniy-radikalov-na-romov-mozhet-byt-politika-ili-otvlechenie-vnimaniya.html [link-preview url=”https://ru.tsn.ua/video/video-novini/prichinoy-napadeniy-radikalov-na-romov-mozhet-byt-politika-ili-otvlechenie-vnimaniya.html”]

Croatia: No Proof

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Following the statements by Branimir Bunjac, a Croatian MP from the Živi Zid party (a populist party) that Roma bride were sold in Northern Croatia, the press took the information over and splashed it everywhere.
Now the police stated they had NO EVIDENCE of such transactions.
No further comments.

– Police have no information on Roma brides being sold to marriage. In: Total Croatia. 24.05.2018. https://www.total-croatia-news.com/politics/28535-police-denies-young-roma-brides-being-sold-to-marriage [link-preview url=”https://www.total-croatia-news.com/politics/28535-police-denies-young-roma-brides-being-sold-to-marriage”]
