Daily Archives: Mai 31, 2018


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The Khamoro Festival opened in Prague last Sunday.

– Romské slunce nezapadne celý týden, začal festival Khamoro. In: O24. 28.05.2018. http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ct24/kultura/2492182-romske-slunce-nezapadne-cely-tyden-zacal-festival-khamoro
– Kultura: Festival Khamoro začal ve studiu Seznamu. Poslechněte si romský All-Star Band. In: Zpravy. https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/festival-khamoro-zacal-ve-studiu-seznamu-poslechnete-si-romsky-all-star-band-47914
– IN PRAG BEGINNT FESTIVAL KHAMORO. In: Radio Prague. 28.05.2018. http://www.radio.cz/de/rubrik/nachrichten/in-prag-beginnt-festival-khamoro

Switzerland: Complaint

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The Society for Threatened People and the Association of Sinti and Roma Switzerland have lodged a complaint against a SVP (right wing populist party) politician for racism and incitation to racial hatred for his comments on Roma travellers.

– «Das ist rassistisch» Strafanzeige gegen Arboner SVP-Mann nach Verbalattacke auf Fahrende. In: Tagblatt. 30.05.2018. https://www.tagblatt.ch/ostschweiz/nach-verbalattacke-auf-roma-strafanzeige-gegen-den-arboner-svp-fraktionspraesidenten-ld.1024762

Frankfurt: Eviction

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Another article on the closure of a migrant’s camp near the Frankfurt’s railway station. Many of its residents were Romanian Roma. As in France, no alternative was provided to the people, and they will land back on the streets.

– Polizei räumt Roma-Elendslager: „Sie werden wieder nur auf der Straße sitzen“. In: Focus. 30.05.2018. https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/sie-lebten-in-huetten-aus-sperrholz-polizei-raeumt-roma-elendslager-in-frankfurt-sie-werden-wieder-nur-auf-der-strasse-sitzen_id_9001339.html
