Daily Archives: Juni 14, 2018

Switzerland and Minorities

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An interview of Angela Mattli of the Society for Threatened People (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker) on the refusal of Switzerland to recognise Roma as a Swiss national minority in the sense of the Framework Agreement on the Protection of National Minorities.

– «Die Minderheitspolitik der Schweiz hat ausgedient». In: Inforsperber. 13.06.2018. https://www.infosperber.ch/Politik/Die-Minderheitspolitik-der-Schweiz-hat-ausgedient [link-preview url=”https://www.infosperber.ch/Politik/Die-Minderheitspolitik-der-Schweiz-hat-ausgedient”]

Roma and Children Exploitation

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A UK project aimed at children exploitation specifically tailored for Roma. Good in itself, as a project, but bad in the sense that it links exploitation with Roma whereas the child exploitation is the result of poverty and exclusion.
This needs to be said.

– The Thornbury Centre to run child sexual exploitation project for Roma Gypsy community. In: The Telegraph and Argus. 13.06.2018. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/16285113.Community_centre_to_run_child_sexual_exploitation_project_for_Roma_Gypsy_community/ [link-preview url=”http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/16285113.Community_centre_to_run_child_sexual_exploitation_project_for_Roma_Gypsy_community/”]

Ukraine, Roma, and Work

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Two Russian language articles on Roma in the Ukraine. Basic statement therein: Roma have difficulties in finding jobs, and thus they have many children and live of the money they receive for them from the social service.
All stereotypes are present here and of course it generalises … Fact is, there are many integrated Roma in the Ukraine. There are also many Roma refugees from the Dombass, they were driven out and have not been allowed to return. And in Western Ukraine, in the former parts of the Austro Hungarian Empire, the Roma situation is really bad.

– Иногда у табора нет выхода: раскрыты хитрые методы заработка ромов. In: Politeka. https://politeka.net/news/society/666869-inogda-u-tabora-net-vyhoda-raskryty-hitrye-metody-zarabotka-romov/
– “Наживаются на детях”: раскрыта схема заработка ромов. In: Obozrevatel. 12.06.2018. https://www.obozrevatel.com/society/nazhivayutsya-na-detyah-raskryita-shema-zarabotka-romov.htm [link-preview url=”https://politeka.net/news/society/666869-inogda-u-tabora-net-vyhoda-raskryty-hitrye-metody-zarabotka-romov/ “]
