Daily Archives: Juni 16, 2018

Vienna Roma Festival

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An interview of Simonida Selimović about her, and about the Roma festival in Vienna.

– „Wir sind Roma – na und?“. In: Die Presse. 14.05.2018. https://diepresse.com/home/leben/mensch/5446507/Wir-sind-Roma-na-und [link-preview url=”https://diepresse.com/home/leben/mensch/5446507/Wir-sind-Roma-na-und”]

Charlie Hebdo …

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Quite a bit of critique for Charlie Hebdo who published a cartoon of Simona Halep likening her to scrap metal collectors, a job which in France is assimilated to Roma.
By the way, the outrage is not about the racist portraying of Roma – it is about associating Simona Halep and thus Romanians to Roma… No further commentaries.

– Charlie Hebdo angers Romanians with ‘racist’ Simona Halep tennis cartoon. In: Deutsche Welle. 15.06.2018. http://www.dw.com/en/charlie-hebdo-angers-romanians-with-racist-simona-halep-tennis-cartoon/a-44245833
– Charlie Hebdo cartoon of Romania’s Halep sparks outrage. In: The Washington Post. 15.06.2018. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/charlie-hebdo-cartoon-of-romanias-halep-sparks-outrage/2018/06/15/a49016f6-7081-11e8-b4d8-eaf78d4c544c_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.3d53072ae08b
– Charlie Hebdo cartoon of Simona Halep sparks outrage. In: Sportsnet. 15.06.2018. https://www.sportsnet.ca/tennis/charlie-hebdo-cartoon-simona-halep-sparks-outrage/ [link-preview url=”https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/charlie-hebdo-cartoon-of-romanias-halep-sparks-outrage/2018/06/15/a49016f6-7081-11e8-b4d8-eaf78d4c544c_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.3d53072ae08b “]

Ukraine, Russia, and Roma

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Two Russian language articles on Roma who are camping in a railway station in Kiev. Both extremely critical of the Roma and definitively portraying them with all stereotypes, including using verbs like “polluting” etc… In brief, quite racist.
These same papers have been very critical of the Ukrainians for not doing anything on the attacks and here, do not dwell on the fact that these Roma are from Donetsk, and, like many others have been driven out of the region by the separatists.

– “Приехали из Донецка”: в Киеве показали новое поселение ромов. In: Obozrevatel. 13.06.2018. https://www.obozrevatel.com/kiyany/life/priehali-iz-donetska-v-kieve-pokazali-novoe-poselenie-romov.htm
– В Киеве на Вокзале больше 300 ромов обосновали табор: они избивают прохожих и оставляют горы мусора. Kiev Informator. 13.06.2018. https://kiev.informator.ua/2018/06/13/v-kieve-na-vokzale-bolshe-300-romov-obosnovali-tabor-oni-izbivayut-prohozhih-i-ostavlyayut-gory-musora/ [link-preview url=”https://www.obozrevatel.com/kiyany/life/priehali-iz-donetska-v-kieve-pokazali-novoe-poselenie-romov.htm “]

Slovakia, EU, and Roma

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Controversy in the European Parliament: Slovak representatives lash back at critique of Slovakia for its Roma policies. According to Monika Beňová, a EU Slovak MP, said “I have tried to explain in a speech that without the co-operation of the Roma themselves, it is not possible to implement even the best strategy” to which a Swedish MP replied that Slovakia is still segregating Roma in school.

– Beňová v ostrej hádke v Európskom parlamente. Za všetko môžu Rómovia. In: Parlementne listy. 14.06.2018. https://www.parlamentnelisty.sk/arena/monitor/Benova-v-ostrej-hadke-v-Europskom-parlamente-Za-vsetko-mozu-Romovia-301588 [link-preview url=”https://www.parlamentnelisty.sk/arena/monitor/Benova-v-ostrej-hadke-v-Europskom-parlamente-Za-vsetko-mozu-Romovia-301588″]
