Daily Archives: Juni 18, 2018

Kyiv: More Roma

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It seems that when it comes to Roma, both Russians and Ukrainians revert to stereotypes. This time, Ukrainian press on Roma squatting a railway station in the capital. They do not even bother to mention that these are apparently refugees from the Dombas.

– Нове поселення: у Києві 300 ромів облаштували табір (відео). In: Styler. 13.06.2018. https://styler.rbc.ua/ukr/zhizn/novoe-poselenie-kieve-300-romov-obosnovali-1528883570.html [link-preview url=”https://styler.rbc.ua/ukr/zhizn/novoe-poselenie-kieve-300-romov-obosnovali-1528883570.html”]

Roma Philharmonic

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After a long suspense, the Roma Philharmonic finally succeeded in playing the “Requiem for Auschwitz” in the context of the Wiesbaden weeks on Roma culture and against anti-Tsiganism.
Good that it finally worked out!

– Roma- und Sinti-Philharmoniker: ein Orchester für Millionen. In: Hessenschau 17.06.2018. https://www.hessenschau.de/kultur/roma–und-sinti-philharmoniker-ein-orchester-fuer-millionen,roma-sinti-philharmoniker-100.html
– Riccardo M Sahiti dirigiert am Dienstag im Staatstheater Wiesbaden das „Requiem für Auschwitz“. In: Echo Online. 17.06.2018. http://www.echo-online.de/freizeit/kunst-und-kultur/musik/riccardo-m-sahiti-dirigiert-am-dienstag-im-staatstheater-wiesbaden-das-requiem-fuer-auschwitz_18853218.htm [link-preview url=”https://www.hessenschau.de/kultur/roma–und-sinti-philharmoniker-ein-orchester-fuer-millionen,roma-sinti-philharmoniker-100.html “]

Slovakia and Children’s Day

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A bit of a controversy in the region of Košice following the celebration of an international Children’s day in a nearby town which excluded Roma children …
Excuses, justifications, but the fact remains … Roma children are apparently not quite like other children, at least in Slovakia.

– Na incident vo Veľkej Ide na Deň detí zareagovala aj ombudsmanka. In: Košice Korzar. 14.06.2018. https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20850059/na-incident-vo-velkej-ide-na-den-deti-zareagovala-aj-ombudsmanka.html [link-preview url=”https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20850059/na-incident-vo-velkej-ide-na-den-deti-zareagovala-aj-ombudsmanka.html”]
