Daily Archives: Juni 20, 2018

Italy, Salvini, and Roma

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A further set of reactions on the statements from Mateo Salvini in Italy.
Note that no one is actually asking the question on HOW do you do a census on Roma??? How do you know who is and who is not? Seems soooo natural to all that this is obvious. Is it really?

– Far-right Italy minister vows ‘action’ to expel thousands of Roma. In: The Guardian. 19.06.2018. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/19/italy-coalition-rift-roma-register-matteo-salvini
– Italy’s interior minister turns gaze to ‘Roma question’. In: TRT World. 19.06.2018. https://www.trtworld.com/europe/italy-s-interior-minister-turns-gaze-to-roma-question–18280
– Italy’s far-right League plans census of Roma community. In: Deutsche Welle. 19.06.2018. http://www.dw.com/en/italys-far-right-league-plans-census-of-roma-community/a-44287124
– Lega wants a census of Italy’s Roma population. In: New Europe. 19.06.2018. https://www.neweurope.eu/article/lega-wants-census-italys-roma-population/
– Census of Roma people coming up- Salvini (5). In: ANSA. 18.06.2018. http://www.ansa.it/english/news/politics/2018/06/18/census-of-roma-people-coming-up-salvini-5_866c7f2c-0639-4a32-95ca-2f3189b293bd.html
