Daily Archives: Juli 3, 2018

Italy and Roma Camps

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A reportage inside the camps on Rome outskirts.

– Italy’s Gypsy Camps Allege Government Purge. In: Reuters’ TV. 02.07.2018. http://www.reuters.tv/v/ene/2018/07/02/italy-s-gypsy-camps-allege-government-purge [link-preview url=”http://www.reuters.tv/v/ene/2018/07/02/italy-s-gypsy-camps-allege-government-purge”]

Ukraine and Racism

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An essay on the roots of racism against Roma in the Ukraine. This article points out at politics and at the upcoming elections as well as the increased nationalism that rose in Ukraine following the Dombas and Crimea cises.

– Расисты и ксенофобы: Зачем украинцев убеждают, что они ненавидят цыган. In: Depo.UA. 02.07.2018. https://www.depo.ua/rus/politics/rasisti-i-ksenofobi-navischo-ukrayinciv-perekonuyut-scho-voni-ne-lyublyat-romiv-20180702799258 [link-preview url=”https://www.depo.ua/rus/politics/rasisti-i-ksenofobi-navischo-ukrayinciv-perekonuyut-scho-voni-ne-lyublyat-romiv-20180702799258″]

Ukraine: One Dead Romni

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A Romni was killed in the Transcarpathian region of the Ukraine. Roma say that unidentified attackers slit her throat. Ukrainian Press (see next post) mentions a family feud.

– Romany Woman ‘Found With Throat Slashed’ In Ukraine. In: Radio Free Europe. 02.07.2018. https://www.rferl.org/a/romany-woman-found-with-throat-slashed-in-ukraine/29332980.html [link-preview url=”https://www.rferl.org/a/romany-woman-found-with-throat-slashed-in-ukraine/29332980.html”]
