Daily Archives: Juli 11, 2018

Ukraine: Commission

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A permanent working group was set up in Ukraine to deal with the integration and protection of Roma rights. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the working group includes representatives of the National Police, the State Migration Service, the National Academy of Internal Affairs, the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Culture, the SBU, the KSCA, as well as Roma NGOs.
Let’s see what it brings …

– В Україні створено спецгрупу для захисту ромів. In: UA News. 10.07.2018. https://ua.news/ua/v-ukrayini-stvoreno-spetsgrupu-dlya-zahystu-romiv/
– МВС створило групу із захисту та інтеграції ромів у суспільство. In: Glavkom. 10.07.2018. https://glavcom.ua/news/mvs-stvorilo-grupu-iz-zahistu-ta-integraciji-romiv-u-suspilstvo–511629.html
– В Україні почала роботу група з питань захисту та інтеграції ромів. In: Vysoki Zamok. 10.07.2018. https://wz.lviv.ua/news/374019-v-ukraini-pochala-robotu-hrupa-z-pytan-zakhystu-ta-intehratsii-romiv [link-preview url=”https://ua.news/ua/v-ukrayini-stvoreno-spetsgrupu-dlya-zahystu-romiv/ “]

Lombardy and Roma

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The Gouverneur of the Lombardy province of Italy who ordered a count of the Roma sees this as the “will of the people”… REALLY???? And how do you count an ethnic group?

– Gouverneur der Lombardei sieht in Roma-Zählung Willen des Volkes. In: Der Standart. 09.07.2018. https://derstandard.at/2000083097055/Gouverneur-der-Lombardei-sieht-in-Roma-Zaehlung-Willen-des-Volkes [link-preview url=”https://derstandard.at/2000083097055/Gouverneur-der-Lombardei-sieht-in-Roma-Zaehlung-Willen-des-Volkes”]

AfD and Roma

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Two more articles on the AfD proposal to count Roma in Sachsen, and that luckily they got slapped for it. But still, in Germany, with the Nazi precedent, the mere fact that they proposed it is bad.

– AfD will Sinti und Roma zählen lassen – und bekommt harte Abfuhr. In: HuffPost (DE). 10.07.2018. https://www.huffingtonpost.de/entry/afd-sinti-roma-abfuhr_de_5b445b43e4b07aea7543705c
– AfD will Sinti und Roma zählen lassen – Sachsen: „Erhebung ethnischer Daten verboten“. In: Sputnik News. 10.07.2018. https://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20180710321486183-afd-sinti-roma-zahlungen/ [link-preview url=”https://www.huffingtonpost.de/entry/afd-sinti-roma-abfuhr_de_5b445b43e4b07aea7543705c “]
