Daily Archives: Juli 14, 2018

Slovakia and Researcher

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The Canadian university professor David Scheffel (63) has been in custody since last November for allegedly sexual offenses with children. He claims the photographs of naked children are related to his research on Roma. He also said he was studying the sexual practices among Roma.

– Obvinený kanadský profesor: Pred súdom opisoval sexuálne praktiky Rómov! In: Pluska. 11.07.2018. https://www1.pluska.sk/Krimi/Obvineny-kanadsky-profesor-Pred-sudom-opisoval-sexualne-praktiky-Romov

Ukraine: Suspect Named

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Finally, a suspect was named in the case of the destruction of the Roma camp in Kiev in April. It is Sergei Mazur, the coordinator of C14, an ultra-nationalist organisation.

– Полиция сообщила о подозрении участнику разгона лагеря ромов на Лысой горе в Киеве. In: 112.ua. 10.07.2018. https://112.ua/glavnye-novosti/policiya-soobshhila-o-podozrenii-uchastniku-razgona-lagerya-romov-na-lysoy-gore-v-kieve-453329.html
– Нападение на ромов на Лысой горе: координатору С14 сообщили о подозрении. In: RBK.ua. 10.07.2018. https://www.rbc.ua/rus/news/napadenie-romov-lysoy-gore-soobshcheno-podozrenii-1531241692.html
