Daily Archives: Juli 26, 2018

New Book

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A new book on Roma in the UK.

– Claremont author explores history of Gypsies in new book. 24.07.2018. https://www.claremont-courier.com/articles/news/t28747-book [link-preview url=”https://www.claremont-courier.com/articles/news/t28747-book”]

Switzerland and Travellers

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Another outrageous report on travelling Roma in Tele Züri – a conduct of rightists views. What is bad, is that it plays the local travellers and some Sinti against Roma.

– https://www.telezueri.ch/62-show-zuerinews/26193-episode-dienstag-24-juli-2018/62231-segment-nach-skandal-hochzeit-sinti-und-jenische-haessig-auf-roma [link-preview url=”https://www.telezueri.ch/62-show-zuerinews/26193-episode-dienstag-24-juli-2018/62231-segment-nach-skandal-hochzeit-sinti-und-jenische-haessig-auf-roma”]

Alba Flores

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The Spanish actress Alba Flores, who is a Romni, is proud of its her origins. She says this in the interview she gave and repeated it on Instagram, sending a clear message to the Matteo Salvini by using the hashtags «Salvini demission», «Stop racism» and «Stop antitsiganism».

– Nairobi de «La Casa di Carta» contro Matteo Salvini: «Stop al razzismo, dimettiti». In: Vanity Fair. 18.07.2018. https://www.vanityfair.it/show/tv/2018/07/18/alba-flores-nairobi-la-casa-di-carta-contro-matteo-salvini [link-preview url=”https://www.vanityfair.it/show/tv/2018/07/18/alba-flores-nairobi-la-casa-di-carta-contro-matteo-salvini”]

Croatia and Racism

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A Romni artist in Rijeka was told by a taxi driver that he would not give rides to gypsies and whores …
Summarises well what happens in Croatia.

– Umjetnicu koja izlaže u Rijeci napao vozač: ‘Ne vozim Cigane i ne vozim kurve. Vozim za dom i poglavnika’. In: Novilist. 25.07.2018. http://www.novilist.hr/Vijesti/Hrvatska/Umjetnicu-koja-izlaze-u-Rijeci-napao-vozac-Ne-vozim-Cigane-i-ne-vozim-kurve.-Vozim-za-dom-i-poglavnika?meta_refresh=true [link-preview url=”http://www.novilist.hr/Vijesti/Hrvatska/Umjetnicu-koja-izlaze-u-Rijeci-napao-vozac-Ne-vozim-Cigane-i-ne-vozim-kurve.-Vozim-za-dom-i-poglavnika?meta_refresh=true”]
