Monthly Archives: August 2018

Plovdiv – “Reportage”

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This kind of news is really not positive. Focus making a reportage on Plovdiv, telling that a part of the town is now called “Dortmund”. So far nothing bad, but they put it in relation to the current polemic around children social help that is supposedly abused.
How about saying that many Roma from Plovdiv actually go and work in Germany …

– Bulgarischer Stadtteil wird “Dortmund” genannt: Welche Ausländer wie viel Kindergeld beziehen. In: Focus. 13.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Shivers …

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Alone the title of the paper “Deutsche Stimme” [German Voice] already gives the colour. But the text on the “problems” of Roma and on the measures that they are implicitly advocating is really bad.

– Sachsen-Anhalt: Klartext über Probleme mit den “Sinti und Roma”. In: Deutsche Stimme. 16.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

False …

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During the night of the 29th of July, a shooting wounding 7 people was attributed by several newspapers to Roma travellers.
It turns out this was absolutely not the case. A very good analysis of the true facts.

– Tirs de Beaune : comment une rumeur a accusé à tort les gens du voyage. In: Le Monde. 16.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Canada: No Extradition

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A Canadian lawyer successfully prevented the extradition of his Romanian client on the grounds that he is Rom and that his rights would not be ensured in Romania.
This is good in itself.
What is bad is that the Rom was involved in a fraud with trading companies in the early 2000’s.

– Roma man allowed to stay in Canada, says federal AG. In: Canadian Lawyer. 13.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Bosnia: Racism

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A really shocking article from Bosnia. Residents from Mostar are protesting because “many” Roma are coming to Mostar, are stealing, sexually harassing women, burning tires, and generally attacking inhabitants.
Well … Let’s not forget that these brave Bosnians were all in agreement to ethnically cleanse Roma out of their respective regions. As a result, they effectively deprived most Roma of their homes and of a living.

– Med staroselci vre: »Izpostavljeni smo krajam, spolnim nadlegovanjem ter fizičnim napadom Romov«. In: Democracija. 15.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Employment

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Recent statistics show that employment numbers have improved for Roma in Slovakia but that Roma generally lag behind the rest of the population.

– Štyri grafy o zamestnanosti Rómov. In: Aktuality. 16.08.2018.
– Zamestnanosť Rómov na Slovensku výrazne zaostáva, analytici hovoria o nízkej úrovni vzdelania. In: Web Noviny. 16.08.2018.
– Zamestnanosť Rómov na Slovensku. Na tieto čísla sa dobre nepozerá. In: Parlamentnelisty. 16.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Role Model

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Dominik Lakatoš, a Rom and a hockey player was just selected to the Czech national team. Good for him.

– Radan Lenc a Dominik Lakatoš v prvním reprezentačním výběru trenéra Říhy! In: HCBT. 13.08.2018.
– Fore Reference: Česko má prvního Roma v hokejové reprezentaci! Kde se tam vzal a kdo to je? In: Express. 13.12.2015. [link-preview url=” “]


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An interview with Anina Ciuciu, Romni from Romania who lives in France and was a candidate to the French Senate during the last elections.

– ROMA-AKTIVISTIN SPRICHT ÜBER DISKRIMINIERUNG. In: Roma Anti Discrimination Network. 1.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Not over Yet

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The descendants of an Auschwitz survivor were recently harassed and threatened in Zetel in Northern Germany.

– Sinti wurden in Zetel rassistisch angefeindet. In: NWZ Online. 14.08.2018.,2,971417785.html [link-preview url=”,2,971417785.html”]

Breitbart Again

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If you need any proof that Breitbart and Salvini pander to racists and the extreme right, read this. A single crime does not brand an entire ethnic group as thieves and worse.

– Salvini: ‘No Room’ For Roma Who Robbed Elderly Disabled Woman of Her Pension. In: Breitbart. 15.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Kotleba Indicated

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Martin Kotleba, the president of the extremist right wing party “Our Slovakia” has been indicted for using Nazi symbols on a check.
This is not the first indictment, and let’s hope that he will be stopped sometimes.

– Slovakia: Chair of neo-Nazi party indicted for using Nazi symbols on checks. In: Romea. 14.08.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia: Roma Projects

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As part of the integration plans for the Roma minority in Slovakia, 82 Mio Euros have been spent in 2017, with most of the projects implemented.
Well … The impact is difficult to see at this stage. Let’s hope that the money was well spent.

– Vlani sa realizovala väčšina plánovaných projektov na podporu Rómov. In: SME. 14.08.2018.
– Z plánovaných opatrení na integráciu Rómov uviedli väčšinu do praxe. In: Teraz. 15.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia, Police, and Civil Society

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Following the murder of an of investigative journalist Jana Kuciak and his fiancé, archaeologist Martina Kušnírová, Slovak citizen went immediately into the streets and a movement started resulting in the resignation of the prime minister and interior minister.
It also resulted in a distrust of the police, something where Roma were miles ahead. Roma have been actively participating and in many case at the forefront in the movement against corruption and against police abuse, something which is really positive!

– Stano Daniel: “Co se děje na Slovensku?” In: ROmea. 13.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Bad too

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A long article on the Casamonica mafia family who happens to be a Sinti family. This reinforces the common view of Roma (although eh article claim that Sinti are a different ethnic group) …

– Le ville dei Casamonica come in Scarface e il tesoro milionario dei Sinti. In: Le Iene. 14.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

And now This …

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After the polemic on Roma and abuse of childcare money, Bild, one of the boulevard newspaper of courses produces a reportage with all stereotypes.
Shame on them.

– So leben wir vom deutschen Kindergeld. In: Bild. 12.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: More Reactions

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Many more reactions to the statement by the mayor of Duisburg, Sörensen Link, who stated that many Roma come to Germany to abuse the child welfare system. Roma are asking the SPD, Link’s party, to distance themselves from these statements.

– Sinti und Roma empören sich über Link. In: NTV. 13.08.2018.
– Sinti und Roma empört über Duisburgs Oberbürgermeister. In: RP Online. 14.08.,2018.
– Sinti und Roma empört über Duisburgs OB Link. In: WDR. 13.08.2018.
– SPD soll sich von Duisburgs Oberbürgermeister distanzieren. In: Deutschland Funk. 13.08.2018.
– SPD lanciert ausländerfeindliche Kindergeld-Kampagne. In: World Socialist Web Site. 13.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Manifestations against Italy

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There have been a series of manifestations against the policies of the current Italian government and racism all over Europe.

– Des Roms manifestent à travers l’Europe contre le racism. In: Le Monde. 10.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

EU Bishops

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The catholic bishops of the EU committed to the integration of the Roma in Europe.
Better late than never …

– EU bishops commit to ‘full integration’ of Roma into European society. In Catholic Culture. 10.08.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

A Bras Ouverts – An Analysis

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A critical analysis (in French and Spanish) of the movie “A bras ouverts” directed by Christian Clavier. The movie was controversial when it came out in France a while back due to its stereotypical portraying of Roma.

– Film « À bras ouverts » ou le mythe de l’authenticité rom ? In: Pressenza. 07.08.2018.
– ¿Película “Con los brazos abiertos” o el mito de la autenticidad romaní? In: Pressenza. 08.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

German Child Benefits

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The polemic on the German child benefits reached the Balkan Press …

– Romanians, Bulgarians Accused of Abusing German Child Benefits. In: Balkan Insight. 10.08.2018. [link-preview url=”″]