Daily Archives: September 3, 2018

25% of Roma

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New demographic statistics in Romania seem to indicate that 25% of the workforce will be Roma by 2050…

– Romii ar putea reprezenta 25% din forța de muncă din România, până în 2050, arată un raport al Ambasadei SUA. In: B1. 29.08.2018. https://b1.ro/stiri/eveniment/ambasada-sua-raport-romi-forta-de-munca-romania-2050-25-238382.html
– Populaţia României, în continuă scădere: 220.000 de persoane au emigrat în 2017. In: B1. https://b1.ro/stiri/eveniment/populatia-romaniei-emigrari-2018-238319.html [link-preview url=”https://b1.ro/stiri/eveniment/ambasada-sua-raport-romi-forta-de-munca-romania-2050-25-238382.html “]

Roma and Sinti Integration

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The school authorities in Rome are looking for partners NGO to outsource the integration of Roma and Sinti children in the school system. All this, as a part of the national project for the integration of RSC (Rom-Sinti-Caminanti) children.

– Roma. Bambini Rom-Sinti-Caminanti: inserimento scolastico. In: La Prima Pagina. 02.08.2018. https://www.laprimapagina.it/2018/09/02/roma-bambini-rom-sinti-caminanti-inserimento-scolastico/ [link-preview url=”https://www.laprimapagina.it/2018/09/02/roma-bambini-rom-sinti-caminanti-inserimento-scolastico/”]
