Daily Archives: September 15, 2018

Slovakia: Work

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The financing measures to increase employment of the Roma have had a positive effect. This is asserted by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities Ábel Ravasz (Most-Híd) in connection with the monitoring report on the implementation of the Strategy for Roma Integration by 2020.

– Ravasz tvrdí, že zamestnanosť Rómov stúpa, Pollák to považuje za zavádzanie. In: SME. 08.09.2018. https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20909315/ravasz-tvrdi-ze-zamestnanost-romov-stupa-pollak-to-povazuje-za-zavadzanie.html [link-preview url=”https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20909315/ravasz-tvrdi-ze-zamestnanost-romov-stupa-pollak-to-povazuje-za-zavadzanie.html”]

Slovakia: Work

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The financing measures to increase employment of the Roma have had a positive effect. This is asserted by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities Ábel Ravasz (Most-Híd) in connection with the monitoring report on the implementation of the Strategy for Roma Integration by 2020.

– Ravasz tvrdí, že zamestnanosť Rómov stúpa, Pollák to považuje za zavádzanie. In: SME. 08.09.2018. https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20909315/ravasz-tvrdi-ze-zamestnanost-romov-stupa-pollak-to-povazuje-za-zavadzanie.html [link-preview url=”https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20909315/ravasz-tvrdi-ze-zamestnanost-romov-stupa-pollak-to-povazuje-za-zavadzanie.html”]

Slovakia: Work

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The financing measures to increase employment of the Roma have had a positive effect. This is asserted by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities Ábel Ravasz (Most-Híd) in connection with the monitoring report on the implementation of the Strategy for Roma Integration by 2020.

– Ravasz tvrdí, že zamestnanosť Rómov stúpa, Pollák to považuje za zavádzanie. In: SME. 08.09.2018. https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20909315/ravasz-tvrdi-ze-zamestnanost-romov-stupa-pollak-to-povazuje-za-zavadzanie.html [link-preview url=”https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20909315/ravasz-tvrdi-ze-zamestnanost-romov-stupa-pollak-to-povazuje-za-zavadzanie.html”]

Slovakia: Work

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The financing measures to increase employment of the Roma have had a positive effect. This is asserted by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities Ábel Ravasz (Most-Híd) in connection with the monitoring report on the implementation of the Strategy for Roma Integration by 2020.

– Ravasz tvrdí, že zamestnanosť Rómov stúpa, Pollák to považuje za zavádzanie. In: SME. 08.09.2018. https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20909315/ravasz-tvrdi-ze-zamestnanost-romov-stupa-pollak-to-povazuje-za-zavadzanie.html [link-preview url=”https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20909315/ravasz-tvrdi-ze-zamestnanost-romov-stupa-pollak-to-povazuje-za-zavadzanie.html”]

An Analysis of Miracles

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René Lužica, a researcher at the Institute of Roma Studies in Nitra, studied “miracles” and apparitions in Roma settlements. He says that the revelation of the Saviour’s silhouette in Batizovce and Petrov which are a miracle for local Roma believers are a manifestation of popular faith.
One wonders what this has to do with Roma studies …

– Zázrak v osadách je prejavom ľudovej viery. In: SME. 11.09.2018. https://hornyzemplin.korzar.sme.sk/c/20911594/zazrak-v-osadach-je-prejavom-ludovej-viery.html [link-preview url=”https://hornyzemplin.korzar.sme.sk/c/20911594/zazrak-v-osadach-je-prejavom-ludovej-viery.html”]

Interview of Romani Rose

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An interview in Prague of Romani Rose, president of the German Central Council of Sinti and Roma.

– Romani Rose: Society must condemn antigypsyism just as it condemns antisemitism. In: Romea. 13.09.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/features-and-commentary/interviews/romani-rose-society-must-condemn-antigypsyism-just-as-it-condemns-antisemitism#.W5pwT9CWMxU.facebook [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/features-and-commentary/interviews/romani-rose-society-must-condemn-antigypsyism-just-as-it-condemns-antisemitism#.W5pwT9CWMxU.facebook”]

Bulgaria and Roma Schools

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Nearly a third of Roma children in Bulgaria are going to Roma only schools. With bad results.

– Bulgarien: Roma-Schulen als Sackgasse. In: Deutsche Welle. 14.09.2018. https://www.dw.com/de/bulgarien-roma-schulen-als-sackgasse/a-45472186 [link-preview url=”https://www.dw.com/de/bulgarien-roma-schulen-als-sackgasse/a-45472186″]
