Daily Archives: September 21, 2018

Difficult …

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A new movie about a lesbian love affair amongst the Madrid Roma community. Touchy subject, and whilst the actors are by and large Roma, the director isn’t. Not a cause for condemnation, the movie needs to be seen, and the topic discussed.

– QCFF Review: ‘Carmen & Lola’ Explores Lesbian Love in a Spanish Romani Community. In: Exclaim. 20.09.2018. http://exclaim.ca/film/article/carmen_and_lola_explores_lesbian_love_in_a_spanish_romani_community-directed_by_arantxa_echevarria [link-preview url=”http://exclaim.ca/film/article/carmen_and_lola_explores_lesbian_love_in_a_spanish_romani_community-directed_by_arantxa_echevarria”]

Ukraine and Roma

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A reportage from the BBC on Roma in the Ukraine. Well, on some of the Roma in the Ukraine. As usual, the complexity is somewhat lost. There are Carpathian Roma, Servi (Vlax), Ursarja and Kirimlides (Balkan), and of course Xaladytka Roma.

– Ukraine’s Roma living on fringes of society. In: BBC News. 20.09.2018. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/45565634/ukraine-s-roma-living-on-fringes-of-society [link-preview url=”https://www.bbc.com/news/av/45565634/ukraine-s-roma-living-on-fringes-of-society”]


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A call for Roma films.

– CALL FOR FILMS. http://roma-filmfestival.com/?page_id=57 [link-preview url=”http://roma-filmfestival.com/?page_id=57″]


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An interview with Brigitta Balogh. She is a Romni, a migrant, and set to be the first openly Roma barrister in Britain.

– Brigitta Balogh: Woman set to become Britain’s first Roma barrister on Brexit insecurity and racism. In: The independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/uk-first-roma-barrister-woman-brigitta-balogh-antigypsyism-racism-discrimination-brexit-a8547591.html [link-preview url=”https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/uk-first-roma-barrister-woman-brigitta-balogh-antigypsyism-racism-discrimination-brexit-a8547591.html”]
