Daily Archives: Oktober 3, 2018

600 Years

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The German acknowledge it, the Swiss deny it: 600 years of Roma presence in the German speaking lands.

– 600 Jahre Roma in Frankfurt. In: ZDF. 01.10.2018. https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/heute-in-deutschland/600-jahre-roma-in-frankfurt-100.html [link-preview url=”https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/heute-in-deutschland/600-jahre-roma-in-frankfurt-100.html”]

Switzerland and Travellers

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Roma travellers in Switzerland have been unwelcome lately. An article about them and about the work of an association of Sinti and Roma and its president who mediate between travellers, locals, and authorities.

– Er erklärt ausländischen Fahrenden die Schweiz. In: Berner Zeitung. 02.10.2018. https://m.bernerzeitung.ch/articles/5bb26d1fab5c3743ef000001 [link-preview url=”https://m.bernerzeitung.ch/articles/5bb26d1fab5c3743ef000001″]

Bunch of untruths

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One always wonders why people can write totally false things about Roma with total impunity…

– ABOUT ROMANIA AND GYPSIES. NEED ROMANIAN EXPERIENCE IN UKRAINE? – NEWS ZIK.UA. In: Siver Post. 02.10.2018. https://sivpost.com/about-romania-and-gypsies-need-romanian-experience-in-ukraine-news-zik-ua/23912/ [link-preview url=”https://sivpost.com/about-romania-and-gypsies-need-romanian-experience-in-ukraine-news-zik-ua/23912/”]
