Daily Archives: Oktober 13, 2018

Not the Answer

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An explosive device was thrown into the flat of Sergei Mazur, the coordinator of the extreme nationalist party C14 who triggered pogroms against Roma and who is under house arrest.
This is not the solution – have him go to jail – much better.

– Под Киевом пытались взорвать координатора C14, подозреваемого в погроме ромов. In: Realist. 10.10.2018. https://realist.online/news/pod-kievom-pytalis-vzorvat-koordinatora-c14-podozrevaemogo-v-pogrome-romov
– На Украине в квартиру устроившего погромы в лагере ромов националиста бросили взрывное устройство. In: Belosuurrian Politring. https://politring.com/mir/21243-na-ukraine-v-kvartiru-ustroivshego-pogromy-v-lagere-romov-nacionalista-brosili-vzryvnoe-ustroystvo.html [link-preview url=”https://realist.online/news/pod-kievom-pytalis-vzorvat-koordinatora-c14-podozrevaemogo-v-pogrome-romov “]


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Once again, the German NPD party (extreme right) uses its famous poster: “Money for grandma instead for Sinti and Roma”. The real shame is that the courts did not condemn this poster.

– Aufregung über NPD-Plakate in Gießen. In: Alsfelder Allgemeine. 12.10.2018. https://www.alsfelder-allgemeine.de/regional/stadtgiessen/Stadt-Giessen-Aufregung-ueber-NPD-Plakate-in-Giessen;art71,498461 [link-preview url=”https://www.alsfelder-allgemeine.de/regional/stadtgiessen/Stadt-Giessen-Aufregung-ueber-NPD-Plakate-in-Giessen;art71,498461″]

We Don’t need that …

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Two Roma rammed a police car after a burglary near Milan. Immediately, Salvini jumps on it…
Not much to say, except that a crime by a Rom is an accusation against all Roma.

– 2 Roma ram police car after burglary. In: ANSA. 12.10.2018. http://www.ansa.it/english/news/general_news/2018/10/12/2-roma-ram-police-car-after-burglary_526e02b6-7721-4832-bbbc-930ab2081f03.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ansa.it/english/news/general_news/2018/10/12/2-roma-ram-police-car-after-burglary_526e02b6-7721-4832-bbbc-930ab2081f03.html”]

Bulgaria and Extreme Right Politicians

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The rape and murder of Viktoria Marinova, a journalist took yet another turn after it was reported that the suspect, a Bulgarian arrested in Germany, is apparently a Rom.
This was immediately seized by right wing politicians who anyhow speak about “Roma Terror”…

– Marinova murder grist to mill of Bulgaria’s far-right politicians. In: The Sofia Globe. https://sofiaglobe.com/2018/10/12/marinova-murder-grist-to-mill-of-bulgarias-far-right-politicians/ [link-preview url=”https://sofiaglobe.com/2018/10/12/marinova-murder-grist-to-mill-of-bulgarias-far-right-politicians/”]
