Daily Archives: Oktober 17, 2018

Germany, Hatred, and Roma

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A reportage on what it means to be Rom and confronted with violence against Roma.

– Brennender Hass. In: Die Zeit. 17.10.2018. https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2018-10/gewalt-roma-rassismus-antiziganismus-brandanschlag-koeln-gremberg-1994?wt_zmc=sm.ext.zonaudev.mail.ref.zeitde.share.link.x [link-preview url=”https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2018-10/gewalt-roma-rassismus-antiziganismus-brandanschlag-koeln-gremberg-1994?wt_zmc=sm.ext.zonaudev.mail.ref.zeitde.share.link.x”]

Slovakia – Seminar

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The Municipal Office in Nitra and its the Social Affairs Department, organized a seminar on Vlax (Olaš) Roma in Nitra and on the possibility of working with it. The main lecturer was Mgr. Ivana Šustrová from the Regional Office of the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities.

– V meste pod Zoborom sa konal seminár na tému olašskí Rómovia v Nitre. In: Hlavne Spravy. 12.10.2018. https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/meste-zoborom-sa-konal-seminar-temu-olasski-romovia-nitre/1548210 [link-preview url=”https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/meste-zoborom-sa-konal-seminar-temu-olasski-romovia-nitre/1548210″]

Hungary – Condemnation

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Two men in Hungary were sentenced to thirteen and a half and seven and a half years of jail. The two men, according the to the accusation, were intending to kill wealthy Roma in 2015 with demilitarised weapons. Initially, they were accused of plotting to kill the Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, but that accusation was dropped later.

– Roma uzsorásokat akart kifosztani és meggyilkolni két idősödő neonáci. In: Index. 15.10.2018. https://index.hu/belfold/2018/10/15/roma_gyilkossag_zsarolas/ [link-preview url=”https://index.hu/belfold/2018/10/15/roma_gyilkossag_zsarolas/”]
