Daily Archives: Oktober 18, 2018

Condemned …

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A man was sentenced to ten month of jail in Berlin for an attack against Roma and Sinti.

– Mann in Berlin für Angriff auf Sinti und Roma zu Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt. In: Die Zeit. 16.10.2018. https://www.zeit.de/news/2018-10/16/mann-in-berlin-fuer-angriff-auf-sinti-und-roma-zu-gefaengnisstrafe-verurteilt-20181016-doc-1a23lu [link-preview url=”https://www.zeit.de/news/2018-10/16/mann-in-berlin-fuer-angriff-auf-sinti-und-roma-zu-gefaengnisstrafe-verurteilt-20181016-doc-1a23lu”]

Northern Ireland – Benefits

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A Roma Organisation was accused of having charged for benefits advices. This accusation has been dropped and an apology issued.
The accusations originally come from Roma themselves who later were unwilling to make formal depositions.

– Roma community group gets apology from Belfast Health Trust. In: BBC. 17.10.2018. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-45895356 [link-preview url=”https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-45895356″]

Plovdiv – Destructions

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The city of Plovdiv has started destroying “illegal” Roma houses in the Mahala of Sheker.

– Demolition of illegal Roma homes in Plovdiv began amid heavy police presence. In: Focus. 17.10.2018. http://www.focus-fen.net/news/2018/10/17/435146/demolition-of-illegal-roma-homes-in-plovdiv-began-amid-heavy-police-presence.html [link-preview url=”http://www.focus-fen.net/news/2018/10/17/435146/demolition-of-illegal-roma-homes-in-plovdiv-began-amid-heavy-police-presence.html”]
