Daily Archives: Oktober 22, 2018

Slovakia: Housing

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Ábel Ravasz, the Plenipotentiary of the Government for Roma Communities said that his office had funded some housing improvements in two localities. It is a drop in the ocean and the question of housing is one that should also be tackled in Slovakia.

– Úrad splnomocnenca podporil bývanie v Dobšinej a Lukove. In: SME. 21.10.2018. https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20942579/urad-splnomocnenca-pre-romov-podporil-byvanie-v-dobsinej-a-lukove.html [link-preview url=”https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/20942579/urad-splnomocnenca-pre-romov-podporil-byvanie-v-dobsinej-a-lukove.html”]

Slovakia: Integration

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An article on the success story of the village of Spišský Hrhov and on the fact that the methods used there for the integration of the Roma minority should b ereflected in legislation.

– Pracuje len jedna pätina Rómov. In: Finweb. 17.10.2018. https://finweb.hnonline.sk/ekonomika/1826286-pracuje-len-jedna-patina-romov [link-preview url=”https://finweb.hnonline.sk/ekonomika/1826286-pracuje-len-jedna-patina-romov”]


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Following the decision of the highest court in Switzerland, begging will be forbidden in the canton Vaud. Sound simple … It is not!

– Interdire la mendicité, une mission impossible? In: Le Temps. 16.10.2018. https://www.letemps.ch/suisse/interdire-mendicite-une-mission-impossible [link-preview url=”https://www.letemps.ch/suisse/interdire-mendicite-une-mission-impossible”]
