Daily Archives: Oktober 30, 2018

Balkan and Minorities

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According to Ambassador Bernd Borchardt, Head of OSCE Presence in Albania, society is judged by the way it treats its weakest members. And that is often, in the Balkan, the Roma minority.
There is some way to go – even to achieve the state that was under Ottoman rule.

– OP-ED/ Society is judged by the way it treats its weakest members. In: Independent Balkan News Agency. 29.10.2018. https://balkaneu.com/op-ed-society-is-judged-by-the-way-it-treats-its-weakest-members/ [link-preview url=”https://balkaneu.com/op-ed-society-is-judged-by-the-way-it-treats-its-weakest-members/”]


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Following the derogatory remarks by the EU parliament president Tajani, the Alliance against Antigypsyism is asking him for a clear position against antigypsyism. He had stated that the minimal income that the new government wants to introduce in Italy would land in the pockets of Roma.
Among the prominent signatories: Romani Rose of the German Council of Sinti and Roma.

– Alliance against Antigypsyism demands clear commitment of EP President Tajani against antigypsyism. In: European Interest. 29.10.2018. https://www.europeaninterest.eu/article/alliance-antigypsyism-demands-clear-commitment-ep-president-tajani-antigypsyism/ [link-preview url=”https://www.europeaninterest.eu/article/alliance-antigypsyism-demands-clear-commitment-ep-president-tajani-antigypsyism/”]

Slovenia: More to Do

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The Council of Europe chided Slovenia in its report on the framework convention on the protection of national minorities and asked the country to do more against hate speech.

– CoE: Slovenia urged to secure more Roma rights, fight hate speech. In: STA. 29.10.2018. https://english.sta.si/2568740/coe-slovenia-urged-to-secure-more-roma-rights-fight-hate-speech [link-preview url=”https://english.sta.si/2568740/coe-slovenia-urged-to-secure-more-roma-rights-fight-hate-speech”]
