Monthly Archives: Oktober 2018

Slovakia: An Incident

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This highlights the tensions that exist in Slovakia regarding Roma, the general population, and the police. In Pezinok, a Slovak town near Bratislava, Roma celebrating a birthday lit a fire in the street. They were asked by the police to stop it and this generate in an altercation and a fight.

– Skupina Rómov založila oheň. Ich napomenutie skončilo útokom na policajtov. In: Noviny. 25.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: A Look at Prejudices

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A nice analysis of the origins of the views of the general population on Roma, and on how these “sayings” turn into generalisations and prejudices.
Worth a read.

– Predsudky, mýty a generačná chudoba. In: SME. 23.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine – Railway Station

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What was to be expected occurred … After the “cleaning” of Kiev’s Railway station by the ultra-nationalist C14 movement, videos of Roma stealing in the station surfaced.
This is bad …

– THE WITNESS SHOWED HOW GYPSIES STEAL IN THE KIEV METRO. VIDEO. In: Bobr Times. 23.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine – C14 Again

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The ultra-nationalist movement C14 did it again: This time they “cleaned” the Kiev main railway station of Roma.
But what is worse, is that effectively most people will applaud, as the Roma in the railway station were camping there, begging and were often accused of stealing.

– Народная инициатива: Киевский железнодорожный вокзал «зачистили» от ромов. In: Info Resist. 23.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Romeo Franz on Integration

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The European Parliament Member and Sinto Romeo Franz on the integration of the Roma and on the pre-requisites for such an integration.

– Romeo Franz: „Eine Frage der Sozialisierung“. In: Lokalkompass. [link-preview url=””]


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Members of European national parliaments and the European parliament are joining forces to fight antigypsyism.
Let’s see …

– Members of national parliaments and of the European Parliament join forces to fight #Antigypsyism in Europe. In: EU Reporter. 22.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

A New Memorial

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A new memorial on the memory of murdered Sinti was inaugurated in a suburb of Mainz.
It is also meant to warn against new developments and increasing racism against Roma and Sinti.

– Das unvergessene Leid der Sinti-Familien. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine. 22.10.2018.
– Mahnmal für die Sinti mit bewegender Zeremonie In Okriftel eingeweiht. In: Höchster Kreisblat. 22.10.2018.;art676,3142230 [link-preview url=” “]

Art: Kai Dhikas

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A long article (German and English) on the gallery Kai Dhikas in Berlin.

– Vom Zauber des “Dazwischen”: Kunst von Sinti und Roma in Berlin. In: Deutsche Welle. 22.10.2018.
– ‘We are the magicians’: Roma and Sinti artists create a bold vision from Berlin. In: Deutsche Welle. 22.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia: Housing

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Ábel Ravasz, the Plenipotentiary of the Government for Roma Communities said that his office had funded some housing improvements in two localities. It is a drop in the ocean and the question of housing is one that should also be tackled in Slovakia.

– Úrad splnomocnenca podporil bývanie v Dobšinej a Lukove. In: SME. 21.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Integration

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An article on the success story of the village of Spišský Hrhov and on the fact that the methods used there for the integration of the Roma minority should b ereflected in legislation.

– Pracuje len jedna pätina Rómov. In: Finweb. 17.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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Following the decision of the highest court in Switzerland, begging will be forbidden in the canton Vaud. Sound simple … It is not!

– Interdire la mendicité, une mission impossible? In: Le Temps. 16.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Fraud …

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This is bad: A network of welfare fraud for at least 1.7 million euros in the North has been dismantled and three Roma have been indicted for organised fraud. Agents of the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) and the social regime of the self-employed (RSI) had reported mid-2017 the abnormal increase, in a few months, of the constitution of files – 1,200 by Roma entrepreneurs living in Valenciennes.

According to a source close to the survey, young women declared themselves self-employed in metal recycling, then declared false pregnancies supported by the RSI. Money was then transferred to Romania and invested in real estate. Three Roma, two men and a woman aged 27 and considered as the head of the network, were arrested this week, indicted for organized fraud, forgery and use of forged, and imprisoned.

– Valenciennois : une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée. In: FR3. 19.10.2018.
– Nord: une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée. In: L’Express Mutuel. 19.10.2018.
– Fausses autoentrepreneures et fausses grossesses : une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée dans le Nord. In: L’Est Éclair. 19.10.2018.
– Nord : ils escroquent 1,7 million d’euros d’allocations sociales, le réseau démantelé. In: Sud Ouest. 19.10.2018.
– Nord : 1,7 millions d’euros de prestations sociales détournées par un réseau dirigé par des Roms. In: RT. 20.10.2018.
– Nord: Au moins 1,7 million de prestations sociales détournées par deux familles roumaines. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 19.10.2018.
– Nord : une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée. In: Europe 1. 19.10.2018.
– Nord: une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée. In: Actu Orange. 19.10.2018.
– Fausses autoentrepreneures et fausses grossesses: une escroquerie aux allocations sociales d’au moins 1,7 million d’euros démantelée dans le Nord. In: Le Courrier Picard. 19.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma Women …

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A good example!

– Gypsy women have much to contribute to the movement towards equality. In: SUR. 08.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Condemnation

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A real first in Hungary: The Tribunal of Eger in Hungary’s North East condemned the Hungarian state for segregation of school in Gyöngyöspata. The state needs to pay and indemnity to 60 young Roma. (Article in Hungarian and French translation).

– Pert nyertek a Gyöngyöspatán szegregáltan oktatott romák. In: Abcug. 16.10.2018.
– Ségrégation scolaire : des écoliers roms font condamner l’État hongrois en première instance. In: Le Courrier d’Europe Centrale. 16.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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A new movie aims at deconstructing the stereotypes on Roma in Marseille – this is new in France. In Sètes, in the South, a temporary camp will be closed mid-November. In Montreuil, near Paris, yet another evacuation, and a pledge for the children who are the victims of such evacuations, losing their right to attend school in the process. Near Paris, in Noisy le Grand, a squat is provoking tensions in the neighbourhood. In the North, a Romni who is part of an integration program is again expulsed – nasty. Finally, the story of a young Rom from Romania who has created is own enterprise in Strasbourg.

– Marseille : un film qui démonte les clichés autour des Roms. In: La Marseillaise. 17.10.2018.
– Sète : le camp transitoire de roms démantelé le 15 novembre. In: Le Midi Libre. 19.10.2018.,4738467.php
– Énième évacuation de Roms à Montreuil. In: Médiapart. 16.10.2018.
– Enfants Roms, chassés de la ville-monde. In: Médiapart. 16.10.2018.
– Noisy-le-Grand : le squat d’un hôtel provoque des tensions avec les riverains. In: Yahoo. 14.10.2018.ôtel-provoque-tensions-riverains-141952421.html
– La maman Rom en insertion à nouveau expulsée… I: La Voix du Nord. 19.10.2018.
– Journée mondiale de lutte contre la pauvreté : Viorel, de la rue à la création d’entreprise à Strasbourg. In: France Bleu. 16.10.2018. [link-preview url=”,4738467.php “]

Is it Relevant?

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One wonders – a freight train derails in Uzhgorod (Transcarpathian Ukraine)… The accident occurs near a Roma neighbourhood, and wonder, “Roma” are in all the titles…

– В Ужгороде грузовой поезд сошел на лагерь ромов. In: Cudebno Juridicheskaya Gazeta. 20.10.2018.
– В Ужгороде посреди табора ромов поезд сошел с рельсов. In: 24News. 19.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Sliven, Bulgaria

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Bad news from the North Eastern Bulgarian town of Sliven indicating the tense relations between Roma and authorities.

– Nine detained for assaulting police officers in Roma neighbourhood. In: Focus News Agency. 19.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Northern Ireland and Roma

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The reaction of the Romanian Roma organisation following the apologies on the accusations against them by the Northern Irish authorities.

– ‘They’re from the community of Roma, they look bad to us’. In: BBC. 17.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Europe and Roma

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For the first time, Members of National Parliaments were invited by the European Parliament to discuss the fundamental rights of Roma and fighting antigypsyism.

– Members of National Parliaments and of the EP join forces to fight antigypsyism. In: European Interest. 19.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]