Daily Archives: November 15, 2018

All in One Pot

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An article about Salvini’s expulsions. Migrants, Roma, etc… As if all Roma were migrants. One thing is good, the numbers of Roma cited (26’000) reflects the population of Roma living in camps, not the numbers of Roma in Italy…

– Hundreds of refugees and Roma homeless in Italian eviction drive. In: Reuters. 14.11.2018. http://news.trust.org//item/20181114195153-3aeui/ [link-preview url=”http://news.trust.org//item/20181114195153-3aeui/”]

Ukraine and Integration

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An article on whether integration of Rom in the Ukraine. Good, but … The “but” stems from the fact that the article does not differentiate and throws all Roma in a pot. And the situations are very different in the Ukraine depending on the Roma group and the regions.
Something to bear in mind.

– Could integration help Ukraine’s Roma? In: Open Democracy. 13.11.2018. https://www.opendemocracy.net/od-russia/ganna-sokolova/can-integration-help-ukraines-roma
– Ganna Sokolova: Could integration help Ukraine’s Roma? In: Kyiv Post. 13.11.2018. https://www.kyivpost.com/article/opinion/op-ed/ganna-sokolova-could-integration-help-ukraines-roma.html [link-preview url=”https://www.opendemocracy.net/od-russia/ganna-sokolova/can-integration-help-ukraines-roma “]
