Daily Archives: Dezember 2, 2018

Chisinau, Moldova

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The ADAMI media prize, a prize for cultural diversity in Eastern Europe, was awarded in the video category to a portrait of a Rom – The life of Goran.

– ADAMI MEDIA PRIZE IN 2018: FROM THE LIFE OF GYPSIES TO LOVE IN THE NETWORK. In: The Koz Week. 30.11.2018. https://kozweek.com/adami-media-prize-in-2018-from-the-life-of-gypsies-to-love-in-the-network/19318/ [link-preview url=”https://kozweek.com/adami-media-prize-in-2018-from-the-life-of-gypsies-to-love-in-the-network/19318/”]

Slovakia, the EU, and Lunik IX

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Slovakia was reprimanded in the European Parliament on its treatment of Roma in Košice and specifically in Lunik IX. Romeo Franz, MEP from Germany and Sinto said “In Košice, Roma cannot take buses on the basis of their ethnic origin and I think this is an aspect that we have to illuminate once more”. The Slovak press is not pleased to say the least.

– Europoslanec nahneval Košičanov. Podľa neho tam Rómov väznia. In: Noviny. 25.11.2018. https://www.noviny.sk/slovensko/391081-europoslanec-nahneval-kosicanov-podla-neho-tam-romov-vaznia [link-preview url=”https://www.noviny.sk/slovensko/391081-europoslanec-nahneval-kosicanov-podla-neho-tam-romov-vaznia”]

Belgium: Like France

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Belgium is following the French pattern of expulsions. This time in Namur, although one has to say there is also a mobilisation of citizen to help the Roma.

– Carrières : expulsion imminente. In: DH. 30.11.2018. http://www.dhnet.be/regions/namur/carrieres-expulsion-imminente-5c003531cd70fdc91bb493c3
– Les «Roms» ne passeront pas l’hiver aux anciennes carriers. In: L’Avenir. 29.11.2018. https://www.lavenir.net/cnt/dmf20181128_01263392/les-roms-ne-passeront-pas-l-hiver-aux-anciennes-carrieres
– Mobilisation citoyenne pour aider des familles de SDF et de Roms. In: Canal C. 26.11.2018. http://www.canalc.be/mobilisation-citoyenne-pour-aider-des-familles-de-sdf-et-de-roms/ [link-preview url=”https://www.lavenir.net/cnt/dmf20181128_01263392/les-roms-ne-passeront-pas-l-hiver-aux-anciennes-carrieres “]

French Chronicle …

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Very few news on Roma this week in France. Probably due to a more animated political scene in the country at this stage.
First, a video on Roma and their history – no comments on the history ! – showing all these news in France are about less than 16’000 people! In Grenoble, people went to court over the right for lodging while in Fontaine, near Grenoble, as well as in Annecy, two Roma camps are threatened with closure. Finally, in the North, in Lille, people living in camps will be given cheaper passes on public transports.

– VIDEO. Roms : histoire d’un peuple persécuté, discriminé et longtemps caricature. In: France TV Info. 28.11.2018. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/politique/polemiques-sur-les-roms/video-roms-histoire-dun-peuple-persecute-discrimine-et-longtemps-caricature_3052545.html
– Grenoble : 135 personnes sans domicile fixe devant la justice au nom du Droit au logement opposable. In: France Info. 26.11.2018. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/auvergne-rhone-alpes/isere/grenoble/grenoble-135-personnes-domicile-fixe-devant-justice-au-nom-du-droit-au-logement-opposable-1581959.html
– Expulsion des Roms du terrain Courtade : dernière tentative de faire fléchir le maire. In: Le Dauphiné. 27.11.2018. https://www.ledauphine.com/politique/2018/11/27/expulsion-des-roms-du-terrain-courtade-derniere-tentative-de-faire-flechir-le-maire
– [PHOTOS] Annecy: la menace d’évacuation plane au-dessus du bidonville. In: Le Messager. 30.11.2018. http://www.lemessager.fr/a-la-une-l-essor-savoyard/photos-annecy-la-menace-d-evacuation-plane-au-dessus-ia919b0n208085
– Métropole lilloiseLes habitants des bidonvilles bénéficieront d’un tarif social Transpole pendant un an. In: La Voix du Nord. 28.11.2018. http://lavdn.lavoixdunord.fr/497049/article/2018-11-28/les-habitants-des-bidonvilles-beneficieront-d-un-tarif-social-transpole-pendant [link-preview url=”https://www.francetvinfo.fr/politique/polemiques-sur-les-roms/video-roms-histoire-dun-peuple-persecute-discrimine-et-longtemps-caricature_3052545.html”]
